176 Rom. ix. 16.

177 Ad finem boni.

178 Medium est velle bona.

179 Rom. ix. 16.

180 Ps. cxxvii. 1.

181 Procinctum juvenum.

182 Supernae vocationis.

183 Valde consequenter.

184 1 Cor. iii. 6, 7.

185 "Nostra perfectio non quidem nobis cessantibus et otiosis efficitur." There is an ellipsis of some such words as, "but by activity on our part."

186 Rom. ix. 16.

187 kataskeuhj.

188 kataskeuasantoj.

189 proairesewj.

190 para thn enargeian.

191 ta kreittona.

192 twn meswn esti.

193 asteion.

194 Rom. ix. 16.

195 wdh twn anabaqmwn.

196 Ps. cxxvii. 1.

197 ouk an ptaioimen.

198 1 Cor. iii. 6, 7.

199 h hmetera teleiwsij ouxi mhden hmwn pracantwn hinetai.

200 apartizetai.

201 pnohn.

202 eukrasian.

203 ariqmon.

204 eij uperbolhn pollaplasion.

205 eklambanein.

206 eceilhfasi ta kata ton topon.

207 Cf. Phil. ii. 13.

208 Hoc ipsum, quod homines sumus.

209 Sicut dicamus, quod movemur, ex Deo est.

210 Hoc ipsum, quod movetur.

211 Cf. Phil. ii. 13.

212 ta diaferonta.

213 hmeij men edocamen, o de Qeoj tauta edwrhsato.

214 to kaqolou qelein.

215 eulogwj.

216 to eidikon tode.

217 to men genidon, to kineisqai.

218 dhmiourgou.

219 Rom. ix. 18-21.

220 2 Tim. i. 16-18.

221 2 Cor. v. 10.

222 Ex ipsâ conditoris creatione.

223 2 Tim. ii. 20, 21.

224 Rom. ix. 18-21.

225 2 Tim. i. 16-18.

226 ou kata ton auton dh apostolon esti.

227 para thn aitian tou dhmiourgou.

228 ugiej.

229 2 Cor. v. 10.

230 epi touto pracewj.

231 2 Tim. ii. 20, 21.

232 aperikaqarton eauton periidwn.

233 prognwsin.

234 prokatakrinei h prodikaioi.

235 ek presbuterwn aitiwn.

236 Secundum praecedentes meritorum causas.

237 Ex. xix. 19.

238 Diversas animarum naturas.

239 Quodammodo.

240 oson epi th upokeimenh fusei.

241 enoj furamatoj twn logikwn upostasewn.

242 Cf. Ex. xix. 19.

243 kata filoneikian.

244 swzousi.

245 ekproterwn tinwn katorqwmatwn.

246 [Elucidation II.]

247 to ef hmin.

248 episthmh: probably in the sense of prognwsij.

249 thj kataxrhsewj tou kat acian tou ef hmin. "Nec sine usu liberi nostri arbitrii, quod peculiare nobis et meriti nostri est" (Redepenning).

250 oute tou epi tw Qew monon.

251 ulhn tina diaforaj.

252 Gen. iii.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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