253 This apocryphal work, entitled in Hebrew hm try+p

, and in Greek Analhyij, or Anabasij Mwusewj, is mentioned by several ancient writers; e.g., by Athanasius, in his Synopsis Sacrae Scripturae; Nicephorus Constantinopolitanus in his Stichometria, appended to the Chronicon of Eusebius (where he says the Analhyij contained 1400 verses), in the Acts of the Council of Nice, etc., etc. (Ruaeus).

254 Gen. xxii. 12. The reading in the text is according to the Septuagint and Vulgate, with the exception of the words "quem dilexisyi," which are an insertion.

255 Cf. Ex. iv. 24-26.

256 Ex. xii. 23, exterminator. Percussor, Vulgate; oloqreuwn, Sept.

257 Lev. xvi. 8. Apopompaioj is the reading of the Sept., "Caper emissarius" of the Vulgate, lz)z(

of the Masoretic text. Cf. Fürst and Gesenius S. V. Rufinus translates Apopompaeus by "transmissor."

258 1 Sam. xviii. 10, effocare. Septuagint has epese: Vulgate, "invasit;" the Masoretic text xlct

259 1 Kings xxii. 19-23.

260 1 Chron. xxi. 1.

261 Atterere.

262 Eccles. x. 4. "For yielding pacifieth great offences." The words in the text are, "Quniam sanitas compescet multa peccata." The Vulgate has, "Curatio faciet cessare peccata maxima." The Septuagint reads, Iama katapausei amartiaj megalaj: while the Masoretic text has )brm


263 Zech. iii. 1.

264 Isa. xxvii. 1.

265 Isa. xxvii. 1.

266 Ezek. xxviii. 12 sq.

267 Cf. John xiii. 27.

268 Eph. vi. 13.

269 Eph. vi. 12.

270 Cf. 1 Cor. ii. 6.

271 Nemo hominum omnino.

272 Ex corporali necessitate descendunt.

273 Quod non simile aliquid pateremur?

274 Propositum.

275 Quae in usu naturaliter habentur.

276 Sensum eorum penitus possederint.

277 Gal. v. 17.

278 1 Cor. x. 13.

279 Carnem talem.

280 1 Cor. x. 13.

281 Pro virtutis suae quantitate, vel possibilitate.

282 Nec tamen scriptum est, quia faciet in tentatione etiam exitum sustinendi, sed exitum ut sustinere possimus.

283 1 Cor. x. 13.

284 Ut sustinere possimus.

285 Repugnandi vincendique.

286 Fabulosum.

287 Ps. lxxvi. 10. Such is the reading of the Vulgate and of the Septuagint. The authorized version follows the Masoretic text.

288 Eccles. x. 4; cf. note 8, p. 329.

289 2 Cor. x. 5.

290 Ps. lxxxiv. 5. The words in the text are: Beatus vir, cujus est susceptio apud te, Domine, adscensus in corde ejus. The Vulgate reads: Beatus vir, cujus est auxilium abs te: ascensiones in corde suo disposuit. The Septuagint the same. The Masoretic text has twlsm

("festival march or procession:" Furst). Probably the Septuagint and Vulgate had twl(m

291 2 Cor. viii. 16.

292 [See book of Tobit, chaps. v. vi. S.]

293 Zech. i. 14. The Vulgate, Septuagint, and Masoretic text all have "in me," although the Authorized Version reads "with me."

294 Shepherd of Hermas, Command. vi. 2. See vol. ii. p. 24.

295 Epistle of Barnabas. See vol. i. pp. 148, 149.

296 Matt. xxvii. 63.

297 John xiii. 2.

298 Prov. iv. 23.

299 Heb. ii. 1.

300 Eph. iv. 27.

301 Eph. vi. 12.

302 Sine maxima subversione sui.

303 Acts ix. 15.

304 Sine aliquâ pernicie sui.

305 John xvi. 33.

306 Phil. iv. 13.

307 1 Cor. xv. 10.

308 Rom. viii. 38, 39. The word "virtus," dunamij, occurring in the text, is not found in the text. recept. Tischendorf reads Dunameij in loco (edit. 7). So also Codex Siniaticus.

309 Excelsa et profunda.

310 Ps. xxvii. 1-3.

311 Palaestricae artis exercitiis.

312 John xix. 11.

313 Tribus ordinibus.

314 Cf. Job i. 10, 11. "Nisi in faciem benedixerit tibi." The Hebrew verb r7b@

has the double signification of "blessing" and "cursing." Cf. Davidson's Commentary on Job, p. 7. Septuag. euloghsei.

315 Matt. x. 29.

316 Cf. Job vii. 1. The Septuagint reads, poteron ouxi peirathrion, etc.; the Vulgate, "militia," the Masoretic text has )bc

. Cf. Davidson's Commentary on Job, in loc.

317 1 Cor. ii. 6-8.

318 1 Cor. ii. 7.

319 Matt. xii. 42.

320 Sapientiarum harum.

321 Sapientias illas.

322 De divinitate.

323 De scientiâ excelsi pollicentium.

324 Cf. Dan. x.

325 Cf. Ezek. xxvi.

326 Ps. ii. 2.

327 1 Cor. ii. 6-8.

328 Istae sapientiae.

329 Energiae.

330 Insania.

331 Vates.

332 Divinos.

333 Magi vel malefici.

334 Daemonum.

335 Id est, industria vita, vel studio amico illis et accepto.

336 Per vasa opportuna sibi.

337 Apostatae et refugae virtutes.

338 Propositi.

339 Penitus ex integro.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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