33 1 Chron. xvi. 8.

34 Ex. xxxv. 2; Num. xv. 32; Jer. xvii. 21-24.

35 In Levit. passim; Ezek. xliii. xliv. xlv. xlvi.

1 This Gregory, styled the Wonder-worker, (Thaumaturgus) was afterwards bishop of Neo- Caesarea.

2 Origen evidently confounds Hadad the Edomite, of 1 Kings xi. 14, with Jeroboam.

3 [1 Kings xii. 28. S.]

4 John x. 3.

5 Matt. vii. 7.

6 Luke xi. 9.

7 Heb. iii. 14.

1 This individual is mentioned by Eusebius (Eccles. Hist., vi. c. 18) as having been converted from the heresy of Valentinus to the faith of the Church by the efforts of Origen. [Lardner (Credib., vii. 210-212) is inclined to "place" Celsus in the year 176. Here and elsewhere this learned authority is diffuse on the subject, and merits careful attention.]

2 Cf. Matt. xxvi. 59-63.

3 Cf. Matt. xxvii. 11-14.

4 Cf. Matt. xxvii. 18.

5 Cf. Matt. xxvii. 18.

6 Rom. viii. 35-37.

7 Rom. viii. 38, 39.

8 Rom. viii. 37, upernikwmen.

9 htinoj piqanothtoj logou.

10 Col. ii. 8.

11 Cf. Jer. xx. 7.

12 Kai wsper ou to tuxon twn yeudomenwn en gewmetrikoij qewrhmase yeudografoumenon tij an legoi, h kai anagrafai gumnasiou eneken tou apo toioutwn. Cf. note of Ruaeus in loc.

13 Rom. xiv. 1.

14 swmatopoihsai.

15 thn kaloumenhn agaphn.

16 aqesmouj.

17 paranomian.

18 tw logw.

19 ton hqikon topon.

20 to boulhma tou nomon.

21 o logoj.

22 Cf. Matt. vii. 22.

23 The words, as they stand in the text of Lommatzsch, are, alla kai mhn nohqen to peri thj anastasewj musthrion. Ruaeus would read mh instead of mhn. This emendation has been adopted in the translation.

24 deinothtoj.

25 logw kai logikw odhgw.

26 sumbolikwj gegenhmenwn, h nenomoqethmenwn.

27 sfodra oligwn epi ton logon attontwn.

28 apoklhrwtikwj.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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