29 mallon eugnwmonwj.

30 apo prwthj prosbolhj.

31 Par oij eise teletai, presbeuomenai men logikwj upo twn par autoij logiwn, sumbolikwj de ginomenai upo twn par autoij pollwn kai apipolaioterwn. For ginomenai Ruaeus prefers ginwskomenai, which is adopted in the translation.

32 1 Cor. iii. 18, 19.

33 metenswmatwsewj.

34 Eti de oti kai kata to tw logw areskon, pollw diaferei meta logou kai sofiaj sugkatatiqesqai toij dogmasin, hper meta yilhj thj pistewj kai oti kata peristasin kai tout eboulhqh o Logoj, ina mh panth anwfeleij eash touj anqrwpouj, dhloi o tou Ihsou gnhsioj maqhthj, etc.

35 1 Cor. i. 23, 24.

36 [arxaiothtoj. See Josephus's Works, for the treatise in two books, usually designated, as written, Against Apion. S.]

37 [See vol. ii. pp. 80, 81. S.]

38 Oionei kwluetai, kathgorhsaj wj bouletai, apologeisqai touj dunamenouj wj pefuken exein ta pragmata. We have taken kwluetai as middle. Some propose kwluei. And we have read boulontai, a lection which is given by a second hand in one ms.

39 Epitriyai. Other readings are epistreyai and apostreyai, which convey the opposite meaning.

40 autoqen.

41 [See Dr. Waterland's charge to the clergy, on "The Wisdom of the Ancients borrowed from Divine Revelation," Works, vol. v. pp. 10, 24. S.]

42 Ps. cii. 27.

43 Mal. iii. 6.

44 anaplasmata.

45 thn aplanh.

46 Epi ton tuflon plouton, kai epi thn sarkwn kai aimatwn kai astewn summetrian en ugieia kai enecia, h thn noumizomenhn eugeneian.

47 Lev. xix. 31.

48 Wj genomenou hgemonoj th kaqo Xristianoi esmen genesei hmwn.

49 oukolakeuwn.

50 idiwtikhn.

51 seisai.

52 [This striking chapter is cited, as a specimen of Christian eloquence, in the important work of Guillon, Cours d' Eloquence Sacrèe, Bruxelles, 1828].

53 Gelenius reads oplizwn (instead of aleifwn), which has been adopted in the translation.

54 Cf. Homer's Iliad, v. 2, 3.

55 Cf. Isa. vii. 10-14 with Matt. i. 23.

56 neanij.

57 neanin.

58 Cf. Deut. xxii. 23, 24.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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