135 terateiaj.

136 pwj oiontai to paraplhsion plasasqai legein auton toij istoroumenoij, etc.

137 katabebhkenai bia. Bohereau proposes the omission of bia.

138 eterateusato.

139 Cf. 1 Kings xvii. 21, 22. [3 Kings, Sept. and Vulg. S.]

140 Cf. 2 Kings iv. 34, 35. [4 Kings, Sept. and Vulg. S.]

141 terateuomenoij.

142 terateian.

143 [See cap. xxxiii., note, p. 455, supra.]

144 Isa. liii. 7.

145 <\dq_ei de to <\dq_ephrkesen<\|dq_ apo twn meswn kai swmatikwn lambanei<\|dq_.

146 ta men oun ginomena peri yuxhj teqnhkotwn fantasmata apo tinoj upokeimenou ginetai, toukata thn ufesthkuian en tw kaloumenw augoeidei swmati yuxhn. Cf. note in Benedictine ed.

147 upar.

148 en swmati antitupw eghgerqai.

149 yuxhj swma.

150 Cf. Homer, Iliad, xxiii. 66, 67.

151 Cf. John xx. 27.

152 Ps. xvi. 9, 10.

153 John xx. 26, 27.

154 Luke xxiv. 15, 31.

155 Acts i. 3.

156 Cf. John xx. 26.

157 1 Cor. xv. 3-8.

158 pleiona th epinoia hn.

159 outw kai taij oyesi pantwj men thj yuxhj, egw d hgoumai, oti kai tou swmatoj.

160 Matt. xxvi. 48.

161 Matt. xxvi. 55.

162 ton mh apekdusamenon, etc. Cf. Alford, in loco (Col. ii. 15).

163 dihnekwj.

164 thn oikonomian telesantoj.

165 xrhsimon d oimai proj apologian twn prokeinenwn.

166 Cf. Rom. xiv. 9.

167 1 Cor. xv. 52.

168 Cf. 1 Cor. xv. 52 with 1 Thess. iv. 16.

169 Cf. 1 Thess. iv. 16.

170 1 Cor. ii. 2.

171 Cf. 1 Cor. iii. 2, 3.

172 outw moi noei kai ton uion tou Qeou wfqai th paraplhsia eij to peri ekeinwn, eij to wfqai autoij ton Qeon, krisei.

173 Cf. Gen. xix. 10, 11. [Also Jude 7, "strange (or other) flesh."]

174 Cf. Luke xxiv. 30, 31.

175 Cf. Gal. vi. 14.

176 Rom. vi. 10.

177 Phil. iii. 10.

178 2 Tim. ii. 11.

179 Cf. Rom. vi. 4.

180 Luke xxiii. 53, ouk hn oupw oudeij keimenoj.

181 John xix. 41, en w oudepw oudeij eteqh.

182 Cf. Matt. xxvii. 60 with John xix. 41.

183 Cf. Luke xxiii. 53 with John xix. 41.

184 toij eautou qiaswtaij.

185 Matt. xxviii. 1, 2.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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