20 Prokatalhfqeij wj upo filtrwn twn Aiguptiwn.
23 Suggeneij eisin ai proshgoriai.
25 [Gibbon, in the sixteenth chapter of his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, quotes the first part of this sentence as proving that "the learned Origen declares, in the most express terms, that the number of martyrs was very inconsiderable." But see Guizot's note on the passage. S.]
29 kai toi ou panth hsan oligoi.
31 The reading in Spencer's and the Benedictine edition is upotemnomenaj, for which Lommatzsch reads upomemnhmenaj.
38 Tinej parekdoxai. [He admits the fact, but does not justify such oppositions.]
45 ta tou palaiou logou parakausmata sumplattontej, toutoij prokatauloumen kai prokathxoumen touj anqrwpouj, wj oi touj korubantizomenouj peribombountej.
46 ouk an exoi parasthsai, oti hmeij men en parakousmasi genomenoi thj alhqeia=, osoi ge peirwmeqa meta logou pisteuein, proj ta toiauta zwmen dogmata.
47 propulaiwn megeqh te kai kallh.
49 [Clearly coincident with Clement and other early Fathers on this head.]
50 fantasian ecapostellein toij tauta memaqhkosin, oti mh mathn memuhtai.
61 The reading in the text is kai prwtoi, for which Bohereau proposes to prwton, which we have adopted in the translation.
62 We have followed in the translation the emendation of Guietus, who proposes ei de thn fainomenhn autw alhqeian epresbeusen, ouk a/, k.t.l.,, instead of the textual reading, ei te thj fainomenhj autw alhqeiaj epresbensen, ouk an, k.t.l.
63 ton prohgoumenon hmin peri yuxhj kataskeuasteon logon.
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