64 Bohereau conjectures, with great probability, that instead of apodekteon, we ought to read apokeikteon.
65 Cf. Hom., Odyss., xi. 303 and 304.
69 eij de ta peri touton anecetastwj ormwn apisthsai toij peri autou;
74 Cf. Smith's Dict. of Biograph., S.V.
78 o#te dia\ tou= Puqi/ou stomi/ou perikaqezome0nh th= kaloume0nh profh/tidi pneu=ma dia\ tw=n gunaikei/wn u9peise/rxetai to\ mantiko\n, o9 'Apo/llwn, to\ kaqaro\n a0po\ ghi/nou sw/mato:. Boherellus conjectures to\ mantiko\n tou= 'Apo/llwnoj to\ kaqaro/n.
80 Herod., book iv. chaps. 14 and 15 (Cary's transl).
82 Guietus conjectures, kai\ pw=j, w\ lw=ste.
83 th=j kataballome/nhj oi0kodomh=j.
84 tou= kaq' h9ma=j dai/monoj, laxo/ntoj ge/raj loibh=j te kni/sshj te.
85 w9j ou0 koinwnh/santoj th= a0nqrwpi/nh fu/sei, ou0d' a0nalabo/ntoj th\n e0n a0nqrw/poij sa/rka e0piqumou=san data\ tou= pneu/matoj.
86 'Alla\ ga\r kai\ th\n kataba=san eij a0nqrwpi/nhn fu/sin kai= ei0j a0nqrwpi/naj perista/seij du/namin, kai\ a0nalabou=san yuxh\n kai\ sw=ma a0nqrw/pinon, e9w/rwn e0k tou= pisteuesqai meta\ tw=n qeiote/rwn sumballome/nhn ei0j swthri/an toi=j pioteu/ousin.
87 meta\ tou= pisteu/ein. Others read, , meta\ to pisteu/ein.
89 toiau=ta ga\r ta\ pantaxou= politeuo/mena e0n tai=j e0kklhsi/aij e0kklhsi/aij tw=n po/lewn plh/qh.
90 fwsth=rej. [Phil. ii. 15. Very noteworthy are the details of this and the following chapter, and their defiant comparisons.]
96 eu#roij a@n ti/nej me\n th=j e0kklhoi/aj bouleutai\ a!cioi/ ei0sin, ei! ti0j e0stin e0n tw= pa/nti po/gij tou= Qeou=, e0n e0keinh= politeu/esqai. Boherellus conjectures eu#roij a$n o!ti tine\sme\n, k.t.l.
97 th=j e0k katata/cewj u9peroxh=j.
98 o#ti kai e0pi\ tw=n sfo/dra a0potugxanome/nwn bouleutw=n kai\ a0rxo/ntwn e0kklhsi/aj Qeou=, kai\ paqumo/teron para\ tou\j eu0tonwte/rwj biou=ntaj, ou0de\n h[tto\n e0stin eu9rei=n w9j e0pi/pan u9peroxh\n, th\n e0n th= e0pi\ ta\j a0reta\j prokoph=, para\ ta\ e!qh tw=n e0n tai=j polesi bouleutw=n kai\ a0rxo/ntwn. Boherellus conjectures p9aqumoterwn.
99 w!ste o0i>\stw= be/lei sumferesqai. Spencer and Bohereau would delete be/lei as a gloss.
100 Guietus would insert h! before i#na ti\ w0felhqh=. this emendation is adopted in the translation.
112 h!toi diabalou=men toi=j au0th\n mh\ paradecame/noij, kai\ e0gkale/somen th= i9stori/a w9j ou0k a0lhqei\, h! daimo\nio\n ti fhsomen paraplh/sion toi=j e0pideiknupe/noij go/hsin a0path= o0fqalmw=n pepoihke/nai kai\ perip topn 'Astupalaie/a. Spencer in his edition inludes mh\ in brackets, and renders, "Aut eos incusabimus, qui istam virtutem admiserint."
113 a@j prosa/gomen au0tw=, w9j dia\ metacu\ o!ntoj th=j tou= a0genh/tou kai th=j tw=n genhtw=n pa!ntwn fu/sewj. "Hoeschel (itemque Spencerus ad marg.) suspicabatur legendum: w9j dh\ metacu\ o!ntoj. Male. Nihil mutari necesse est. Agitur quippe de precibus, quas offerimus Deo `per eum qui veluti medius est inter increatam naturam et creatam.0'"-Ruaeus.
116 w9j ka!n to\ tuxo\n a0kolasi/aj ka$n e\p' o0li/gon geusame/nou.
117 ou[ a0reta\j oi9 me=n tinej kubeutikw/teron zw= ntej katayeu/dontai.
118 a0kolou=qwj th= e0n tw= le/gein terasti\wj pistikh= duna/mei.
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