163 [See note supra, p. 239. S.]
166 e0leu/qepon a0nalabo/ntej fro/nhma.
172 loidori/aj ma=llon h@ kathgori/aj.
173 The allusion is to the practice of wealthy Greeks and Romans having among their slaves artificers of various kinds, for whose service there was constant demand in the houses and villas of the rich, and who therefore had their residence in or near the dwelling of their master. Many of these artificers seem, from the language of Celsus, to have been converts to Christianity.
174 Para/sthson tou\j didaska/louj a!llouj para\ tou\j filosofi/aj didaska/louj, h@ tou\j kata/ ti tw=n xrhsi/mwn pepoihme/nouj..
176 [Much is to be gathered from this and the following chapters, of the evangelical character of primitive preaching and discipline.]
190 [The reproaches of the scoffer are very instructive as to the real nature of the primitive dealing with sinners and with sin.]
191 u9pecairomenou tou= kata\ to\n 'Ihsou=n nooume/nou a0nqrw/pou.
196 In the text it is put interrogatively: ti/j a!nqrwpoj telewj di/kaioj; h@ ti/j a0nama/rthtoj; The allusion seems to be to Job xv. 14 (Sept.): ti/j ga\r w@n broto\j, o!ti e!stai a!memptoj\ h@ w9j e0so/menoj di/kaioj gennhto\j gunaiko/j.
202 kai\ ou0 para\ to\n o0rqo\n lo/gon prosa/goito u9po= tou= e0pi\ pa=si dikastou=.. [See infra, book iv. cap. lxxix, and Elucidations there named.]
203 [e0pimo/wj bebamme/noi. S.]
204 [w9spegei\ deusopoihqe9ntej a9po\ th=j kaki/aj. S.]
205 [Let us note this in passing, as balancing some other expressions which could not have been used after the Pelagian controversy.]
206 He is said to have been either a Babylonian or Tyrrhenian, and to have lived in the rein of Nero. Cf. Philostratus, iv. 12. - Ruaeus.
207 kai\ to\ e0cakouo/menon a0po\ th=j le/cewj w0j dunato\n h9mi=n, a0netre/yamen.
208 e0pi\ te/gouj. ["Ut quidam scripserunt," says Hoffmann.]
210 'Alla\ th\n me\n ta/cin kai\ su/nqesin kai\ fra/sin tw=n a0po\ filosofi/aj lo/gwn.
211 The reading in the text is a!llwj, for which which a!llouj has been conjectured by Ruaeus and Boherellus, and which has been adopted in the translation.
214 pistikh\ a0po\ pneu/matoj.
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