45 See Eph. v. 19.

46 So Oehler understands (apparently) the meaning to be. The translator is inclined to think that, adopting Oehler's reading, we may perhaps take the "Dei" with "aliquid," and the "coenans" absolutely, and render, "From the tavern, no doubt, while supping, she will hear some (strain) of God," in allusion to the former sentence, and to such passages as Ps. cxxxvii. 4 (in the LXX. it is cxxxvi. 4).

47 Comp. Phil. iii. 12, and c. ii. sub fin.

48 Comp. 1 Cor. vii. 16, and 1 Pet. iii. 1.

49 Tertullian here and in other places appears, as the best editors maintain, to use the masculine gender for the feminine.

50 Magnalia. Comp. 2 Cor. xii. 12.

51 Timore.

52 Comp. de Or., c. iii. (med.), "angelorum candidati;" and de Bapt., c. x. sub fin., "candidatus remissionis."

53 Oehler refers us to Tac., Ann., xii. 53, and the notes on that passage. (Consult especially Orelli's edition.)

54 The translator inclines to think that Tertullian, desiring to keep up the parallelism of the last-mentioned case, in which (see note 1) the slave's master had to give the "warning," means by "domino" here, not "the Lord," who on his hypothesis is the woman's Master, not the slave's, but the "lord" of the "unbeliever," i.e., the devil: so that the meaning would be (with a bitter irony, especially if we compare the end of the last chapter, where "the Evil One" is said to "procure" these marriages, so far is he from "condemning" them): "Forsooth, they" (i.e., the Christian women) "will deny that a formal warning has been given they by the lord:" (of the unbelievers, i.e., the Evil One) "through an apostle of his!" IF the other interpretation be correct, the reference will be to c. ii. above.

55 Saecularium.

56 Matt. xix. 23, 24; Mark x. 23, 24; Luke xviii. 24, 25; 1 Cor. i. 26, 27.

57 Matt. v. 3; but Tertullian has omitted "spiritu," which he inserts in de Pa., c. xi., where he refers to the same passage. In Luke vi. 20 there is no tw pneumati.

58 Censum.

59 Invecta. Comp. de Pa., c. xiii. ad init.

60 Filii.

61 Comp. de Or., c. v. ad fin.; de Pa., c. ix. ad fin.; ad Ux., i. c. v. ad init.

62 Gen. ii. 24; Matt. xix. 5; Mark x. i; Eph. v. 31.

63 Col. iii. 16.

64 Eph. v. 19; Col. iii. 16.

65 Comp. John xiv. 27.

66 Matt. xviii. 20.

67 Comp. 1 Cor. x. 23.

68 Eccl. Hist., Book III. cap. xxx.

69 Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., second edition, enlarged, 1884.

1 [Written, possibly, circa a.d. 204.]

2 Comp. c. iii. and the references there.

3 1 Thess. iv. 3.

4 Comp. 1 Cor. xi. 7, where the Greek is eikwn kai doca.

5 Lev. xi. 44; 1 Pet. i. 16.

6 Comp. 1 Cor. vii. 5; and ad Ux., b. i. c. vi.

7 Comp. ad Ux., b. i. c. viii.

8 Comp. Job i. 21.

9 Comp. Matt. x. 29.

10 Job i. 21 (on LXX. and Vulg.).

11 Adulari. Comp. de Paen., c. vi. sub init.; ad Ux., b. i. c. iv. ad init.

12 Or, "from" - de.

13 i.e., eternal life: as in de Bapt., c. ii.; ad Ux., b. i. c. vii. ad init.

14 De Paen., c. xii. ad fin.

15 In obaudientiam venerat.

16 From 1 Cor. vii.

17 Or, "decreed by."

18 1 Cor. vii. 8, 9.

19 1 Cor. vii. 27, 28.

20 Or, "to be a believer;" ver. 25.

21 Dirigendam.

22 Gen. ii. 21, 22.

23 Or, "but no plurality of wives."

24 Apud. Deum.

25 Gen. ii. 24.

26 Eph. v. 31.

27 Gen. iv. 18, 19.

28 Gen. i. 28.

29 Repastinationis. Comp. de Cult. Fem., l. ii. c. ix., repastinantes.

30 Comp. Matt. iii. 10.

31 Ex. xxi. 24; Lev. xxiv. 20; Deut. xix. 21; Matt. v. 38.

32 See Rom. xii. 17; Matt. v. 39; 1 Thess. v. 16.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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