11 eu0h/qwj.

12 The word fu/sei which is found in the text seems out of place, and has been omitted in the translation, agreeably to the emendation of Boherellus.

13 'Ara fa\r h!qele fantasioume/noij toi=j a0nqrw/poij u9po= Qeou=, a0peilhfo/toj me\n a/qro/wj th\n kaki/an. emfu/ontoj di\ th\n a0reth\n, th=n e0panoi/rqwdin gene/sqai;

14 'Ara fa\r h!qele fantasioume/noij toi=j a0nqrw/poij u9po= Qeou=, a0peilhfo/toj me\n a/qro/wj th\n kaki/an. emfu/ontoj di\ th\n a0reth\n, th=n e0panoi/rqwdin gene/sqai;

15 oi9 la\r e0pi\ ta\ ne/ltista prokalou/menoi lo/foi, Qeou= au0tou\j dedwko/toj, ei0si\n e0n a0nqrw/poij..

16 lennaio/tatoj.

17 Wisd. Solom. i. 7, kai\ to\ sune/xon ta\ pa\nta gnw=sin e!xei fwnh=j..

18 Cf. Jer. xxiii. 24.

19 Cf. Acts xvii. 28.

20 kai\ para\ tou=t' e!latton e!cein dokw=n.

21 kaqa\per oi9 neo/ploutoi tw=n a0nqrw/pwn e0pideiktiw=tej, pollh/n tina kai\ pa/nu qnhth\n filotmi/an tou= Qeou= katamarturou=si.

22 oi0kei/wsin.

23 meta\ tosou=ton ai0w=na.

24 dikaiw=sai.

25 to\ lagiko\n zw=on.

26 e0n th= paradoxh= th=j qeio/thtoj.

27 e0cai/reto/n ti xrh=ma.

28 Deut. xxxii. 8, 9 (according to the LXX.).

29 Cf. Ps. ii. 8.

30 Ei0si\ ga/r tinej ei0rmoi\ kai\ a0kolouqi/ai a!fatoi kai\ a0nekdih/fhtoi peri\ th=j kata\ ta\j a0nqrwti/naj yuxa\: diafo/rou oi0konomi/aj.

31 au0to\j e!fa..

32 [The word "reliable" is used here. I cannot let it stand, and have supplied an English word instead].

33 sunqiasw=tai.

34 tw= panti/.

35 oi/k a0xrh/stouj. On Origen's views respecting rewards and punishments, cf. Huet's Origeniana, book ii. question xi.

36 ou0k e0pe/sth.

37 di/khn basanistou= pu=r fe/rwn.

38 [Note this testimony to the authorship of Koheleth, and that it is Scripture.]

39 Cf. Eccles. i. 9.

40 ei0 xph\ e0pisthsanta toi=j xro/noij ei0pei=n.

41 a0ne/tlasan kata\ perio/odou: tauto/thtasj kai\ a0paralla/ktouj toi=j i0di/oij poioi=j kai toi=j sumbebhko/sin au0toi=j.

42 kaki/an e0ti\ plei=on xeome/nhn.

43 Cf. Jer. xxiii. 24.

44 sugkatabai/nein.

45 [On this figure (anthropopathy) see vol. ii. p. 363, this series.]

46 geu=sai.

47 Cf. Deut. iv. 24, ix. 3.

48 Cf. Dan. vii. 10.

49 Cf. Mal. iii. 2.

50 Cf. 1 Cor. iii. 12.

51 swmatikw=j.

52 Cf. 1 Cor. iii. 13-15.

53 th\n tou= xrusou= (i#n' ou#twj o0noma/sw), fu/sin th=j yux h=j, h@ th=n a0rgu/rou, dolwsa/ntwn.

54 [See note supra, cap. x. S.]

55 9O Qeo\j a0gaqo/j e0sti, kai\ kalo\j, kai= e0dai/mwn, kai\ e0n tw=| kalli/stw. kai\ a0ri/stw|.

56 kata/basin.

57 th= pronoi/a| kai\ th= oikonomi/a|.

58 Ps. cii. 27.

59 Mal. iii. 6.

60 h9gemoniko/n.

61 The reading in the text is, e0pi\ me/rouj gi/netai au0th=j, which is thus corrected by Guietus: e0pimerh\j gi/netai au0to\j.

62 Cf. Phil. ii. 6, 7.

63 Cf. 1 Pet. ii. 22.

64 Cf. 2 Cor. v. 21.

65 [Gieseler cites this chapter (and cap. xix. infra) to show that Origen taught that the Logos did not assume a human body. Could words be stronger to the contrary? "He becomes, as it were, flesh," is used below to guard against transmutation.]

66 prohgoume/nhn.

67 a!timon.

68 e0klei=pon.

69 [The transfiguration did not conflict with his mortal nature, nor the incarnation with his immortality.]

70 ti/ a0kolouqei=.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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