71 [Such are the accomodations reflected upon by Gieseler. See Book III. cap. lxxix., supra.]
74 o!mwj d' a0pologhso/meqa, o@ti ou0 fh\j, w\ Ke/lse, w9j e0n farma/kou moi/ra pote\ di/dotai xrh=sqai tw= plana=n kai\ tw= yeu/desqai.
75 prohgoume/nwj, a0ll' e0k perista/sewj.
76 Cf. Plato in the Timaeus, and book iii., de Legibus.
78 'Epa\n to\ prokei/menon h\ parasth=sai kai/ ta/ th=j kata/ to/n to\pon isnopi\aj ti/na e!xoi lo/gon, kai\ ta\ th=j pperi\ au0tou= a0nagwgh=j.
79 Otus and Ephialtes. Cf. Smith's Dict. of Myth. and Biog., s.v.
81 [Demonstrated by Justin, vol. i. pp. 277, 278, this series.]
84 Qei=o/n ti kai= i9ero\n xrh=ma gego/e/nai to\n 'Ihsou=n.
85 ou0d' a0pokatastafh/sontai. [A very bold and confident assertion this must have seemed sixteen hundred years ago.]
86 kai\ a9rmo/zontaj th= pantaxou= kaqestw/sh politei/a.
87 u9po\ oi0kei/wn kai\ omoh/qwn.
92 ou0k e0n sw/mati kri/netai.
94 kai\ kata\ pa=san a0reth\n pepoi/wtai.
95 The allusion may possibly be to his flight from the field of Chaeronea, or to his avarice, or to the alleged impurity of his life, which is referred to by Plutarch in his Lives of the Ten Orators. - Spencer.
96 a0fopma\j e!xon pro\j a0reth/n.
98 ta\ au0to/qen pa=si profaino/mena do/gmata Xristianw=n kai\ 'Ioudai\wn.
100 h@ kai\ ta\ 9dhmiourgh/mata.
103 u9po\ logikw=n piqanoth/twn.
106 Cf. Wisd. of Solom. xi. 26, xii. 1, 2.
116 daimo/nia. Cf. Ps. xcvi. 5.
122 kai\ tou=to/ g'a@n e9rmhneu/oimmi, to\ <\dq_h9mei=j<\|dq_ le/gwn a0nti\ tou= oi9 logikoi\, kai\ e!ti ma=llon, oi\ spoudai=oi logikoi/.
123 w#ste kai\ h9 au0th\ a0nqrw/pou kai\ Qeou=. Cf. Cicero, de Leg., i.: "Jam vero virtus eadem in homine ac deo est, neque ullo alio in genio praeterea. Est autem virtus nihil aliud, quam in se perfecta, et ad summum perducta natura. Est igitur homini cum Deo similitudo." Cf. also Clemens Alex., Strom., vii. c. 14: Ou0 ga\r, kaqa/per oi9 Stwi>\koi\, a\qe/wj, pa/nu th\n au0th\n a0reth\n a0nqrw/pou le/gomen kai\ Qeou=. [See vol. ii. p. 549. S.] Cf. Theodoret, Serm., xi. - Spencer.
130 Cf. Eurip., Phoeniss, 546, 547.
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