172 Hesiod, Works and Days, i. 73-114 (Elton's translation [in substance. S.]).
173 Hesiod, Works and Days, i.125-134 (Elton's translation [in substance. S.]).
176 Penia, poverty; Porus, abundance.
177 dia\ th\n au\th=j a0pori/an.
178 e\n toi=j e0kei/nhj geneqli/oij.
179 e0n toiau=th| tu/xh| kaqe/sthke.
184 kai\ fronh/sewj kai\ po/rimoj.
186 [Plato, Symposion, xxiii. p. 203. S.]
187 Boherellus, quem Ruaeus sequitur, in notis; "Ante voces": ti/na tro/pon, videtur deesse: qauma/sontai, aut quid simile." - Lommatzsch.
190 fusiologei= Mwu>\sh=j ta\ peri\ tou= a!qrw/pou fu/sewj.
191 Cf. 1 Cor. xv. 22 with Rom. v. 14.
192 ou0k e!sti kaq' h[j ou0 le/getai.
193 pteror0r9uou/shj. This is a correction for pterofuou/lhj, the textual reading in the Benedictine and Spencer's edd.
196 paraxara/ttontej kai\ r9a|diourgou=ntej.
197 toi= duna/mei le/gesqai ta\ me/tra.
198 [This question, which is little short of astounding, illustrates the marvellous reach and play of Origen's fancy at times. See note supra, p. 262. S.]
199 paraxara/ttontej kai\ r9a|diourgou=ntej.
204 a!gxista de\ toutoij pa=si sumpoliteu/omenon.
207 Cf. Gen. xxx. 42 (LXX.). "The feebler were Laban's, and the stronger Jacob's" (Auth. Vers.).
210 par' oi[j ta\ poiki\la h!qh e0pi/shma geno/mena, tw=| logw\| tou= Qeou= politeu/etai, doqe/nta kth=sij kaloume/nw| 'Iakw/b: e0pi/shma is the term employed to denote the "spotted" cattle of Laban, and is here used by Origen in its figurative sense of "distinguished," thus playing on the double meaning of the word.
213 th\n e0nupa/rxousan gh=n kai\ a0rxh\n tw=n poti/mwn a0gaqw=n. Boherellus proposes: th\n e0nupa/rxousan phgh\n kai\ a0rxh\n tw=n poti/mwn u9da/twn.
220 oi9 e0pitugxa/nonte/j ge au0tw=n.
221 ou0k eu0katafro/nhtoj au0toi=j.
224 e!xei de/ tina kai\ kaq' au0to\ a/pologi/an. [Our Edinburgh translator gives a misleading rendering here. Origen throughout this part of his argument is reasoning ad hominem, and has shown that Greek philosophy sustains this idea.]
225 Cf. Homer, Iliad, vi. 160.
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