278 ou9 pa/ntwj kai\ h9 tw=n kakw=n ge/nesij a0ei\ h9 au0th/.

279 ou0k a0ei\ ta\ au0ta/ e0sti peri\ to\ h9gemoniko\n autou=, kai\ to\n lo/gon au0tou=, kai\ ta\j pra/ceij.

280 qewri/aij.

281 tw=n o_lwn.

282 ta\ e0n o9lw| tw=| ko/smw|.

283 peri/odoj.

284 kata\ ta\j tetagme/aj a0nakuklh/seij.

285 mh\ e0gnwkw\j kako\n ei\nai to\ nomi/zein eu0se/beian sw/zesqai e0n toi=j kaqesthko/si kata\ ta\j koino/teron nooume/aj politei/aj no/moij.

286 to\ h9emoni/ko/n.

287 Cf. Lam. iii. 38. [In the Authorized Version and in the Vulgate the passage is interrogative. S.]

288 htij e0sti\ to\ kako/n.

289 to\ e0f' h9mi=n a0nh\|rhtai.

290 tou= panto/j.

291 a0paralla/ktouj.

292 ta\ o9rw/me/a.

293 ou!te tw= Qew=| kainote/raj dei= diorqw/sewj.

294 o9ti kai kai\ pa/nth tetagme/raj au0th\n a0fani/zwn sufero/ntwj tw=| panti/.

295 [See note supra, p. 524. S.]

296 ta\ sfa/lmata a0nalamba/nein.

297 e!xei ti\ eu0labe/j.

298 kai\ w9j yekto\j katate/taktai ei0j xrei/an a0peuktai/an me\n e9ka/stw| xrh/simon de\ tw=| panti/.

299 e0n a0peuktai/w| pragmatl.

300 Cf. 2 Tim. ii. 20, 21.

301 [See note, p. 502, supra.]

302 ou0 tou= e9autwn e0n tw| le/gein stoxazo/meqa dunatou=.

303 Cf. Deut. i. 31. Origen appears to have read, not e0trofo/rhsen, the common reading (Heb. )#&/w

), but e0tropofo/rhsen, the reading of the Codex Alex.

304 Cf. Ps. vi. 1.

305 Cf. Jer. x. 24.

306 Cf. Eph. ii. 3.

307 Cf. Ps. xxxvii. 8.

308 Cf. Col. iii. 8.

309 Ps. xliv. 23.

310 Cf. Ps. lxxviii. 65.

311 kai\ lo/gon me\n e!cei ta\ logika\, a_per e\sti\ prohgou/mena, pai/dwn gennwme/nwn: ta\ d' a!loga kai\ ta\ a!yuxa xwri/ou sugktizome/nou ta=| paidi/w.

312 a\gorano/moi.

313 suntuxi/a tij a0toxmwn.

314 ou0dei\j lo/goj texniko/j u9pe/sthsen au0ta/.

315 e/sti/an.

316 Cf. Ps. civ. 14, 15.

317 Cf. Ecclus. xxxix. 21, and 16, 17.

318 mo/lij kai\ e0pipo/nwj.

319 e0pideh=.

320 dia\ nautikh=j kai\ kubernhtikh=j.

321 a0formh/n.

322 Cf. Eurip., Phoeniss., 546.

323 ta\ e! ou0ranw=|.

324 o9 kata/ tinaj Skhniko\j filo/sofoj. Euripides himself is the person alluded to. He is called by Athenaeus and Clemens Alexandrinus (Strom., v. vol. ii. p. 461), o9 e0pi\ th=j skhnh=j filoxsofoj. - De La Rue.

325 sunekdoxikw=j.

326 e9autw=| a0nqupofe/rei.

327 zw/pura.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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