278 ou9 pa/ntwj kai\ h9 tw=n kakw=n ge/nesij a0ei\ h9 au0th/.
279 ou0k a0ei\ ta\ au0ta/ e0sti peri\ to\ h9gemoniko\n autou=, kai\ to\n lo/gon au0tou=, kai\ ta\j pra/ceij.
282 ta\ e0n o9lw| tw=| ko/smw|.
284 kata\ ta\j tetagme/aj a0nakuklh/seij.
285 mh\ e0gnwkw\j kako\n ei\nai to\ nomi/zein eu0se/beian sw/zesqai e0n toi=j kaqesthko/si kata\ ta\j koino/teron nooume/aj politei/aj no/moij.
287 Cf. Lam. iii. 38. [In the Authorized Version and in the Vulgate the passage is interrogative. S.]
289 to\ e0f' h9mi=n a0nh\|rhtai.
293 ou!te tw= Qew=| kainote/raj dei= diorqw/sewj.
294 o9ti kai kai\ pa/nth tetagme/raj au0th\n a0fani/zwn sufero/ntwj tw=| panti/.
295 [See note supra, p. 524. S.]
296 ta\ sfa/lmata a0nalamba/nein.
298 kai\ w9j yekto\j katate/taktai ei0j xrei/an a0peuktai/an me\n e9ka/stw| xrh/simon de\ tw=| panti/.
299 e0n a0peuktai/w| pragmatl.
301 [See note, p. 502, supra.]
302 ou0 tou= e9autwn e0n tw| le/gein stoxazo/meqa dunatou=.
303 Cf. Deut. i. 31. Origen appears to have read, not e0trofo/rhsen, the common reading (Heb. )#&/w
), but e0tropofo/rhsen, the reading of the Codex Alex.
311 kai\ lo/gon me\n e!cei ta\ logika\, a_per e\sti\ prohgou/mena, pai/dwn gennwme/nwn: ta\ d' a!loga kai\ ta\ a!yuxa xwri/ou sugktizome/nou ta=| paidi/w.
314 ou0dei\j lo/goj texniko/j u9pe/sthsen au0ta/.
317 Cf. Ecclus. xxxix. 21, and 16, 17.
320 dia\ nautikh=j kai\ kubernhtikh=j.
322 Cf. Eurip., Phoeniss., 546.
324 o9 kata/ tinaj Skhniko\j filo/sofoj. Euripides himself is the person alluded to. He is called by Athenaeus and Clemens Alexandrinus (Strom., v. vol. ii. p. 461), o9 e0pi\ th=j skhnh=j filoxsofoj. - De La Rue.
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