328 Cf. Hesiod, Fragmenta Incerta, ed. Goettling, p. 231.

329 [Cf. Wordsworth, Excursion: "He sat and talked," etc., book iv., circa med.]

330 ou: ga\r a0qeei.

331 h9gemoni/aij.

332 tw=n h9tthme/nwn ai:re:seij. "Nota ai0rj/seij hoc loco sumi pro internecionibus, caedibus. Haud scio an alibi reperiatur pari signigicatu. Forte etiam scribendum kaqaire/seij." - Ruaeus.

333 Paraba/lh| tw=| lo/gw| pro\j touj mu/rmhkaj. "Verba: ta| lo/gw| pro\j rouj murmhkaj addititia videntur et recidenda." - RUAEUS.

334 e0pai>\/wn.

335 to\ koinwniko/n.

336 e0ntre/xeian.

337 ou0kou=n kai\ lo/gou sumplh/rwsi/j e0sti par' au0toi=j, kai\ koinai\ e!nnoiai kaqolikw=n tinwn, kai\ fwnh\, kai\ twgxa/nonta shmaino/mena.

338 a0sxhmosu/nhn.

339 ou0 katanoei= de\ to\ logiko\n h9gemoniko\n kai\ logismw=| kinou/menon;

340 meta\ tinoj fusikh=j u9pokataskeuh=j;

341 a0rxh/n.

342 th\n a0logi/an.

343 lo\goj.

344 fusikh/n tina kata/lhyin.

345 tw=| mara/qrw|.

346 a0ll' e0k kataskeuh=j.

347 [The a0eti/thj. See Pliny, N. H., x. 4.]

348 apotetagme/nwj.

349 u0po\ tou= Lo/gou gegenhmi/nh.

350 xoirogru/llioi. Heb. Myn%Ip'#$;

351 a0skalabw/thj.

352 Cf. Prov. xxx. 24-28.

353 au0to/en.

354 John xvi. 25.

355 idiwtika/.

356 qew=n mantikw=n.

357 th\n a0xa/riston yeudodoci/an.

358 Ps. xlix. 12.

359 ei!per oi0wnoi\ oi0wnoi=j ma/xontai. For ma/xontai Ruaeus conjectures diale/gontai, which is adopted by Lommatzsch.

360 Homer, Iliad, ii. 308 sq. (Pope's translation).

361 Homer, Iliad, xii. 200 sq. (Pope's translation).

362 kata\ de/ ti shmei=on.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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