21 [Vol. ii. cap, 28, p. 143.]

22 [1 John iv. 8. The Divine Triad "is Love."]

23 Subductis et consummatis.

24 [The bees, according to Virgil, Georg. iv. 199.]

25 [Vol. ii. p. 179. It is interesting to observe the influence of Justin and Clement on the reasoning of the later Fathers, not excepting St. Augustine.]

26 Debellatricem.

27 [See vol. v. p. 43, and note, p. 46, this series.]

28 [Nat. Deor., iii. 36. De Maistre, Soirèes, i. p. 30, and note, p 63.]

29 [Compare the remorseless satire of Arnobius, vol. vi. p. 498.]

30 Zeu\j or Zh=n. [Quad sit auctor vitae. Delphin note.]

31 [On the Poets, vol. i. cap. 2, p, 273.]

32 Eo, i.e., to those.

33 Juvando. [Nat. Deor., iii. 25, 26.]

34 Aetate pessum acta. [See plural Joves, Nat. Deor., iii. 16.]

35 Commutavit; others read consummavit, "he completed."

36 [Condensed from cap. xxii. See vol. iv. p. 186, this series.]

37 Aether. [Tayler Lewis, Plato cont. Ath., pp. 126-129.]

38 Aether. [Tayler Lewis, Plato cont. Ath., pp. 126-129.]

39 Euhemerus was a Sicilian author of the age of Alexander the Great. He wrote a sacred history containing an account of the several gods who were worshipped in Greece, whom he represents as having originally been men who had distinguished themselves by their exploits, or benefits conferred upon men, and who were therefore, after their death, worshipped as gods. The Christian writers frequently refer to Euhemerus as helping them to prove that the pagan mythology consisted only of fables invented by men. See Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography.

40 vi. 291. [Tayler Lewis (ut supra), note xii. p. 119.]

41 De Nat. deor., ii. 64.

42 Virg., Aeneid, viii. 321.

43 Georg., ii. 538.

44 Aeneid, viii. 324.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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