68 [See cap. 12, p. 79, supra.]
69 In eo promerendo. [John xvii. 3.]
[fu/sij k e/rata tau/roij
o9pla\j d' e@dwken i@ppoi/j
toi=j a0ndra/sin fro/nhma, k.t.l.Anacreon, Ode 2.]
73 Conjunctiores, quòd animis, quàm quòd (others read "qui") corporibus.
74 [Modern followers of Lucretius may learn from him:-
Denique coelesti sumus omnes semine oriundi;
Omnibus ille idem pater est.] ii. 991.
75 Isa. lviii. 6, 7; Ezek. xviii. 7; Matt. xxv. 35.
77 Dum volunt sanare, vitiaverunt. There is another reading: "dum volunt sanare vitia, auxerunt," while they wish to apply a remedy to vices, have increased them.
78 Objectis aggeribus. "Agger" properly signifies a mound of earth or other material.
80 Praeter infantiam-others read "propter infans"-properly means, one unable to speak. [See fine remarks on language, etc., in De Maistre, Soirées, etc., vol. i. p. 105 and notes, ed. Lyon, 1836.]
81 A corpore, that is, from society.
82 Retentio. The word sometimes signifies a "withholding," or "drawing back;" but here, as in other passages, Lactantius uses it to express "preservation."
87 Idoneis. Lactantius uses this word as though its meaning were "the rich;" and though it seems to have passed into this sense in later times, it is plain from the very words of Cicero himself that he uses it of deserving persons who need assistance.
89 De Offic., iii. 17. Solidam et expressam.
90 [De Leg., iii., and De Offic., i. cap. 16.]
91 Populari levitate ducti: an expression somewhat similar to "popularis aura."
93 Cic., Pro Marcello. [Nihil opere et manu factum.]
95 The meaning appears to be this: To benefit our friends and relatives, relates to man, i.e., is a merely human work; but to benefit those who cannot make a recompense is a divine work, and its reward is to be expected from God.
100 Malitia, roguery. The word properly signifies some legal trick by which the ends of justice are frustrated, though the letter of the law is not broken.
101 Umbratico et imaginario praeceptori.
103 Munera. The same word is used for "shows," as of gladiators, or contests of wild beasts, exhibited to the people.
106 Quasi odore quodam veritatis. The word "odor" is sometimes used to express "a presentiment" or "suspicion."
107 [Gen. xlix. 29-31; Mark xiv. 8, 9.]
108 [Ennius; also in Cicero, De Offic., i. cap. 16]
110 In aram Dei. Others read "arcam," the chest.
111 i.e., "gladiators purchased from a trainer for the gratification of the people."
112 Bestiarios: men who fought with beasts in the amphitheatre.
113 [Matt. xviii. 21-35. Exposition of vi. 14.]
115 In cogitationem. Others read "cogitatione."
116 Lapsos. [All this shows the need of an Augustine.]
117 Temporariae. [Admirable so far as our author goes.]
119 [After fifteen centuries, physicians know as little about the spleen as ever. See Dunglison, Med. Dict., sub voce "spleen."]
121 Exuberat in sentes, "luxuriates into briars."
122 [Cap. xiv. p. 179, supra.]
123 [After Pharsalia. Note this love of freedom.]
125 [See Augustine against Pelagius, another view.]
126 [Again this love of liberty, but loosely said.]
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