184 Virg., Aeneid, vi. 128.

185 Male.

186 Supervacuam, i.e., useless, without an object. [P. 171. n. 2.]

187 [May I be pardoned for asking my reader to refer to refer to The Task of the poet Cowper (book ii.): "All truth is from the sempiternal source," etc. The concluding lines illustrate the kindly judgment of our author:-

Their thirst of knowledge, and their candour too." But turn to our author's last sentence in cap. 17, p. 183, supra.]

188 Conscium.

189 De Offic., iii. 10.

190 Ibid., iii. 19.

191 Februis, a word used in the Sabine language for purgations. Others read "fibris," entrails, offered in sacrifice.

192 There is an allusion to the altar of Hercules, called "ara maxima." [Christian philosophy is heard at last among Latins.]

193 Quae summum fastigium imponerent. The phrase properly means to complete a building by raising the pediment or gable. Hence its figurative use. [See cap. 2, p. 164.]

194 Donum, a free-will offering or gift. See Ex. xxv. 2.

195 [i.e., "the Eucharist" as a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. And mark what follows, note 3, infra.]

196 [Nos ad justitiam esse natos.]

197 [Ps. l. 23.]

198 [Ps. l. 23.]

199 i.e., no known sins. Thus the Psalmist prays: "Cleanse thou me from my secret faults." [So St. Paul, 1 Cor. iv. 4, where the archaic "by" = adversus.]

200 Satisfaciat, "let him make satisfaction by fruits worthy of repentance."

1 The subject of the first and second books.

2 The subject of the sixth book.

3 The subject of the third book.

4 The subject of the fourth book.

5 The subject of the fifth book.

6 The subject of the sixth book.

7 Nuda.

8 Praescriptionem.

9 Ita leviter odoratos.

10 Odor.

11 Virg., Georg., iii. 244.

12 Adjudicaverunt.

13 Latrant.

14 Impedimentis.

15 [See p. 108, supra.]

16 Ad confundendos. Others read "consolandos."

17 Decurso temporum spatio. A metaphor taken from the chariot course; spatium being used for the length of the course, between the metae, or goals.

18 Ter., Phorm., v. 2.

19 Assumptio: often used for the minor proposition in a syllogism.

20 Tusc. Disp., i. 41.

21 Eum. Others read "eam," referring it to "majestatem."

22 Aeneid, vi. 726.

23 i e., earthquakes.

24 Siccaverunt: rarely used in a neuter sense.

25 Primam terrae faciem: as opposed to the inner depths.

26 De Rer. Nat., v. 157-166.

27 Quòd si ratio ei quadraret.

28 Little images, sigilla.

29 Rationem.

30 i.e., atoms.

31 Corrupit.

32 Aequalis.

33 Interfusio.

34 Aspiratio.

35 [The parables of nature are admirably expounded by Jones of Nayland. See his Zoologica Ethica, his Book of Nature, and his Moral Character of the Monkey, vols. iii., xi., and xii., Works, London, 1801.]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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