96 Tenuis.

97 De terrenâ concretione.

98 De Rer. Nat., ii. 999.

99 [Ex aetheris oris. Concerning ai0qh/r consult Lewis, Plato, etc., pp. 127-129.]

100 Sopitur.

101 Non exanimes, sed dementes vocantur.

102 [The original must be compared: Ne ullo corporis dolore frangatur et oblivionem sui non anima, sed mens patiatur. For nou=j and yuxh/, see Lewis, ut supra, pp. 219, etc.]

103 Lucret., iii. 611.

104 Se insinuare.

105 [

Teste David et Sibylla." i.e., divine and ethnic oracles alike are full of it. See note 9, p. 116, supra. Elucidation V.]

106 i. 19.

107 Delirant.

108 Liberum esse.

109 The word Sabbath means rest. [He derives it from Cba#$e

110 Errantia.

111 [Efficere creduntur. Our author seems to guard himself against affirming the verity of the science of his times.]

112 Ps. xc. 4; see also 2 Pet. iii. 8.

113 Speciem gerere.

114 Determinat. [Compare p. 220, infra.]

115 [This could not have been ventured before Constantine's time, and must have been bold even then. 2 Thess. ii. 7. P. 213, infra.]

116 [The Colosseum and its traditions may have influenced our author in this passage. See vol. iii. p. 108, supra.]

117 Juvenescere.

118 Materia.

119 [See p. 169, notes 1, 2, supra.]

120 Sub ambage; properly a "circumlocution."

121 Alumnum veritatis. [P. 212, note 1, supra.]

122 Prodigiis. [These primitive interpretations of Daniel and St. John may be compared with the expositions of Victorinus, infra.]

123 Concisa.

124 [P. 210, note 2, supra. Tuba spargens mirum sonum.]

125 [A final apparition of Elijah was anticipated by primitive believers, who regarded Mal. i. 5 as only partially fulfilled in the Baptist and the typical judgment of Jerusalem and the Jews under Vespasian. See Enoch and Elias, vol. v. p. 213; also iii. 591.]

126 Rev. xiii.; 2 Thess. ii.

127 Pressura et contritio.

128 Exquisitis cruciatibus.

129 Dan. vii.; Rev. ii.

130 Not the eve of Easter, but that of the Nativity. This corroborates St. Chrysostom's testimony concerning the observance of that feast in the West. See Opp., Serm. 287, tom. v. 804.]

131 The reference is to Ps. i. 5: "The ungodly shall not stand in the judgment." They shall indeed arise, but it will be to "the resurrection of damnation." See Dan. xii. 2; John v. 28, 29; Acts xxiv. 15.

132 Good and bad actions will not be compared by reference to number: "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."-Jas. ii. 10. [The figure, however, is not dissimilar in Job xxxi. 6. We must be judged by our works, though saved by faith in Christ.]

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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