133 In nihilum resolvi.

134 Virg., Aeneid, vi. 735.

135 [1 Cor. iii. 13-15. An approximation to this truth is recognised by our author in a heathen poet. See p. 217, n. 2.]

136 Virg., Aeneid, vi. 702.

137 Cum trepidatione mobili. [See vol. vi. p. 375, note 1.]

138 Perstringentur igni atque amburentur. [See p. 216, n. 5, supra.] This idea of passing through flames of the final judgment has in it nothing in common with "purgatory" as a place and as a punishment from which admission into heaven may be gained before judgment.]

139 [See vol. iii. p. 59, supra, Elucidation X.]

140 Virg., Aen., vi. 266.

141 Ibid., 748.

142 Postliminio. For the uses of this word, see Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities.

143 Resignata est, properly "unsealed."

144 Virg., Aen., vi. 719.

145 [This is "the first resurrection" as conceived of by the ancients, and the (Phil. iii. 11) e0cana/stasij of St. Paul.]

146 Profani a sacramentis.

147 [This rationale of the Orphica and Sibyllina deserves thought.]

148 Vector, i.e., the passenger, as opposed to one who sails in a ship of war.

149 Virg., Bucol., iv. 21-45. The order of the lines is changed. [This, the famous Pollio, greatly influenced Constantine. See p. 140, note 7, supra.]

150 Consignatam teneri.

151 [See p. 218, supra, and Victorinus, sparsim, infra.]

152 [Again a reference, as on p. 213 note 1, supra.]

153 rumh. There are other readings, as pu=r and "pyra."

154 Usque ad unum.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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