155 [This clearly proves that the better sort of Chiliasm was not extinct in the Church,]
156 [i.e., "the faithful," a title often used to designate Christians. This discipline was based on Heb. v. 14 and Matt. vii. 6.]
157 Jam emergente atque illustratâ veritate.
160 Consummas. [Art fulfilling; i.e., as a catechumen.]
161 [In admonishing the great, the form was to ascribe to them the characters they should cultivate. Lactantius here speaks as a courtier, but guardedly.]
162 Decursis septem spatiis,-an expression borrowed from the chariot race: here applied to the seven books of this treatise.
163 Terent., Phorm., ii. 1. 19.
165 Quorum caecis mentibus lux negatur. Others read, "Quidam caecis mentibus viri."
166 [This evident quotation from Rev. xxi. 7 and xxii. 17 is noteworthy as proof of the currency of the Apocalypse in North Africa.]
1 [A specimen of the abridgments made by authors and editors, owing to the great expense of books in manuscript. They have been sources of great injury to literature.]
2 [We have here only a fragment of the Epitome. The rest is lost.]
3 [Christian morals were now to be taught openly in schools: hence the need of such manuals.]
4 Quoniam. This word appears to be out of place, as its proper meaning is "since." Either it must be taken as above, or, with some editors, the last clause of this chapter may be taken as the beginning of the next chapter-"Since there is a providence," etc.
8 Pro moribus. Another reading is "pro viribus," with all their power.
10 [ I shall not multiply references to the seven books, which are so readily compared by turning back to the pages here epitomized.]
13 [See Cyprian on Balaam, vol. v. p. 502, note 7. A hint as to the qualified inspiration of these women.]
14 The appointed guardians of the Sibylline books. At first there were two; the number was afterwards increased to ten, and subsequently to fifteen, termed Quindecemviri.
15 Pensa quae faceret. "Pensum" properly signifies the wool daily weighed out and given to each servant.
17 Cicero, De Nat. Deor., iii. 22.
18 When Pelias had promised his daughter Alcestis to Admetus, on condition of his coming to her in a chariot drawn by lions and boars, Apollo enabled Admetus to fulfil this condition.
20 Galli, the priests of Cybele, were so called: they mutilated themselves, and performed many raving ceremonies.
21 Quid potestatis. Others read "pietatis," which appears more suitable to the sense of the passage.
22 Tutela. The image of some deity, supposed to be the tutelary guardian of the ship, was usually painted on the stern.
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