104 Hos. xiii. 13, Septuagint version.

105 Hos. vi. 2.

106 [Here is an incidental token of the orthodoxy of our Christian philosopher as to the Third Person. He is deficient, however, in practically enforcing the Spirit's work and our need of His grace. This may have been from a worthy motive, and according to discipline.]

107 Dan. vii. 13.

108 Ps. cx. 1.

109 Negaverunt; others read "necaverunt," killed.

110 See Instit., iv. 18, p. 121, supra.

111 Speravimus; others "sperabimus."

112 Jer. xii. 7, 8.

113 Mal. i. 10, 11.

114 Isa. lxvi. 18.

115 Isa. xlii. 6, 7.

116 [1 John iv. 15.]

117 [John xiv. 6, 13 and v. 23.]

118 1 John i. 22, 23.]

119 Praesenti opere convincat.

120 Significatione.

121 Ne audire quidem patiuntur; others read "patienter."

122 Sacrilegio.

123 [Religious liberty maintained and introduced by the Gospel. Corrupted Christianity only is responsible for the reverse.]

124 Fortem; some read "forte," by chance.

125 Carnificinam.

126 Addicti.

127 Stultitiam. This word is wanting in the mss., but this or some such word is necessary to complete the sense.

128 Mimi; wanting in some editions.

129 Sibi tantum conciliata sit.

130 Foras tota promineat.

131 Aucupari.

132 Pravum.

133 [The Duae Viae. A feature in the primitive catechizing. See Epistle of Barnabas, vol. i. p. 148; also this volume, infra.]

134 [See vol. v. p. 153, note 1, and pp. 161, 174, this series.]

135 Circumscribere.

136 In remissionem.

137 Sumere, "to take by selection and choice."

138 Integris abutendum est. Lactantius sometimes uses "abuti" for "uti."

139 Circumscriptiones.

140 [See vol. ii. p. 79, notes 1 and 2.]

141 Mimus corruptelarum disciplina est.

142 Per imaginem.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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