94 Colles faucium. Others read "toles," i.e., the tonsils.
95 Inoffensum tenorem, i.e. without obstruction, not striking against any object-smooth.
98 Obstructâ meandi facultate.
100 Oblevit ea intrinsecus crassiore succo.
102 It has been judged advisable not to translate this and the first part of the next chapter.
107 Corporis. Other editions have "operis," i.e., of the whole work.
109 Germanitas, "a brotherhood, or close connection."
110 Concreta esse. [See p. 180, note 1, supra.]
111 Verba: as though derived from "verbero," to strike.
112 Dum ad descendentem occursu suo redit. Others read, "Dum descendentem reddit."
113 In altum se abdiderit. [An interesting "evolution from self-consciousness," not altogether to be despised. In connection with the tripartite nature of man (of which see vol. iii. p. 474), we may well inquire as to the seat of the yuxh\ and the pneu=ma, severally, on this hint.]
115 Intenta discurrit. [2 Chron. xvi. 9; Zech. iv. 10.]
118 Aristoxenus, whose opinion has been mentioned above.
121 [See cap. 16, p. 296, note 1, supra; also vol. ii. p. 102, note 2, this series.]
122 Lucretius is undoubtedly one of the poets here referred to; some think that Virgil, others that Horace, is the second.
124 Quid fiat. Others read "quid faciat."
131 Thus Joseph and Daniel were interpreters of dreams: and the prophet Joel (ii. 28) foretells this as a mark of the last days, "Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions."
132 Quorum praesens et admirabilis fuerit eventus. [A sober view of the facts revealed in Scripture, and which, in the days of miracles, influenced so many of the noblest minds in the Church.]
133 Ex parte somnii constiterunt. Some editions read, "ex parte somniis constituerunt."
135 Sed ego id in eo jure ab ancipiti vindico.
137 Et citra hoc opus homo resistit. The compound word "resistit" is used for the simple sistit-"stands."
140 Corpusculum. The diminutive appears to imply contempt.
141 The expression is too general, since the body as well as the soul is a true part of man's nature. [Perhaps so; but Lactantius is thinking of St. Paul's expression (Philipp. iii. 21), "the body of our humiliation."]
142 Quem rectum rectè sortitus est. In some editions the word "recte" is omitted.
143 1 Cap. xiv. (vol. i.) p. 452.
144 2 Bibliothèque Ancienne et Mod., tom. iii. p. 438.
145 3 Credib., part ii vol. vii. p. 94.
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