7 From Hieron., Commentar. in ep. ad Gal., l. ii., opp. ed. Vallars. viii. 1, p. 426. Hieron., De Viris Illus., c. 80: we have "four books of epistles to Probus."
1 [A curious expansion of the fable so long supposed to be authentic history of a natural wonder, and probably derived from Oriental tales corroborated by travellers. See vol. i. p. 12; also iii. 554. Yezeedee bird-worship may have sprung out of it.]
2 Remotus. The reference is supposed to be to Arabia, though some think that India is pointed out as the abode of the phoenix.
4 Caedis amore furor. There is another reading, "cedit."
5 Vellera, "thin fleecy clouds." So Virg., Georg., i. 397; Tenuia nec lanae per coelum vellera ferri.
8 Unica, "the only one." It was supposed that only one phoenix lived at one time. So the proverb "Phoenice rarior."
9 Birds were considered sacred to peculiar gods: thus the phoenix was held sacred to Phoebus. [Layard, Nineveh, vol. ii. p. 462.]
11 Aura. So Virg., Aeneid, vi. 204: "Discolor unde auri per ramos aura refulsit."
13 Aëdoniae voces. The common reading is "Aedoniae," contrary to the metre.
14 i.e., strains of Apollo and the Muses, for Cyrrha is at the foot of Parnassus, their favourite haunt.
15 Aperta Olympi, when he has mounted above the horizon.
18 Gravem, i.e., a burden to herself.
19 Fatis urgentibus; others read "spatiis vergentibus."
21 Venus was worshipped in Syro-Phoenice.
22 Gratum; others read "Graium," Grecian.
23 Quà; another reading is "quam," that which.
24 Purpureum. There may be a reference to the early dawn.
26 Some ancient writers place these fabulous people in India, others beyond Arabia.
27 Aristas. The word is sometimes applied, as here, to spikenard.
28 Et sociat myrrhae pascua grata nimis; another reading is, "et sociam myrrhae vim, Panachaia tuae."
29 In talique toro; others, "vitalique toro," i.e., on a death-bed.
31 Genitali, "productive;" observe the antithesis.
33 Effectum; others read, "ad foetum seminis instar habent."
34 Cum corpore curto; others read, "cum tempore certo."
35 Ruptis exuviis. The same word is used by Virgil to describe the serpent slipping its skin-"positis exuviis."
37 Tenues; others read "teneri."
41 Quem croceum. The word is properly used to denote the colour of saffron: it is also applied to other bright colours.
42 Sub cortice laevi; the common reading is "sub sidere caeli."
43 Clarum insigne; others read, "aurum...insigneque."
45 Gemmea cuspis. Her beak is of horn, but bright and transparent as a gem.
46 Ingentes oculi; others read, "oculos."
47 Hyacinthos; gems of this colour.
50 Roseus; others read, "roseo honore."
52 Magniciem. Some take this as denoting the name of a bird, but no such bird is known.
53 Pergrave pondus; others read, "per grave pondus," by reason of the heavy weight.
54 Se exhibet; others read "se probat."
55 Tanti ad miracula visus. [Deut. iv. 17.]
56 Inde; others read, "ille," but the allusion is very obscure.
57 Fili, "the thread," i.e. of fate.
58 Colit. [Badger's Nestorians, vol. i. p. 122.]
9 Latius, "more widely," "in greater detail."
11 Clientis. The "cliens" is one who puts himself under the protection of a "patronus." Here it is used of a follower.
13 Infanda, "unspeakable," "wicked."
19 Nonnunquam; others read, "nunquam non," always.
25 Labilis orbis amicos sensus.
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