27 Occiduis rebus.

28 Ista caduca saecula.

29 Exutum.

30 Rerum usus.

31 Extollent. The reading is uncertain; some editions have "expolient."

32 Purpuream, "bright, or shining."

33 Sublimes ad auras.

34 Note 18, p. 327.

35 The reader will be pleased with a reference, on p. 330, infra, to the (then recent) conversion of our Saxon forefathers in Kent.

1 Venantius Honorius, to whom this poem is ascribed, was an Italian presbyter and poet. In some editions the title is De Resurrectione. It was addressed to the bishop Felix.

2 Florigero sereno.

3 Ignivomus.

4 Vagus.

5 Hac in nocte brevi. Other editions read, "adhuc nocte brevi."

6 Aethera, an unusual form.

7 Foetu: others read "cultu."

8 Cum bene vernales reddidit annus opes. Another reading is, "cum bene vernarit; reddit et annus opes."

9 Herbis.

10 Stellantia lumina florum.

11 Floribus; another reading is, "arridentque oculis."

12 Late; others read, "lactens," juicy.

13 Foliorum crine revulso; others read, "refuso."

14 Siler, supposed to be the osier, but the notices of the tree are too scanty to enable us to identify it. See Conington, Virg. Georg., ii. 12.

15 Suis attemperat organa cannis. "Canna" seems to be used for "gutturis canna," the windpipe; "organum," often used for a musical instrument.

16 Favent.

17 Toto venerabilis aevo. [Rev. i. 10. Easter in Patmos, I suppose.]


Horarum splendor, scriptula, puncta fovent."

19 Nimio; another reading is, "minimus,"

20 Irrecitabiliter.

21 Principe.

22 Aethera.

23 Quo moderante; others read, "quae moderata."

24 Profundo.

25 Cum corpore; others read, "nostro e corpore nasci."

26 Pateris vitae auctor; others have "patris novas auctor."

27 Intras; others, "intra."

28 Luminis ore.

29 Aeternae; another reading is "et tetrae."

30 Pollicitam; others have "sollicitam."

31 Pretium mundi.

32 Rupe vetante.

33 Pugillo. Thus Prov. xxx. 4: "Who hath gathered the wind in His fists?"

34 Revoca sursum.

35 Olympum; others read, "in orbem," returning to the world.

36 Fit; others read, "sit."

37 Auctor.

38 i.e., "the Lamb of God."

39 [Post Tartara. Vol. iv. p. 140; v. pp. 153, 161, 174, this series.]

40 Poenale.

41 Iste; another reading is, "in te."

42 An allusion to the white garments in which the newly baptized were arrayed.

43 Vetus vitium, "original sin;" as it was termed, "peccatum originis."

44 Consors; others read "concors," harmonious.

45 Pastos; others, "pastor."

46 Reddit.

47 Centeno reditu.

48 Vegetetur; another reading is "agitetur."

49 De te; others read, "detur et," with injury to the metre.

1 Being fragments of three books to Abercius Marcellus against the Montanists. Gallandi, vol. iii. p. 273, from Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., v. ch 16, 17.

2 The manuscripts write the name Aoui/rkioj, Avircius: but Nicephorus (book iv.) gives it as 'Abe/rkioj, Abercius.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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