3 Nicephorus adds i!son d' ei0pei=n Montano/n , which seems, however, to be but a scholium. It may appear difficult to account for the fact that the name of Miltiades rather than that of Montanus is associated with the heresy of the Cataphrygians, and some consequently have conjectured that we should read here Alcibiades, as that is a name mentioned in concert with Montanus and Theodotus in Euseb. v. 3. In the Muratorian fragment, however, as given above among the writings of Caius, we find again a Miltiades named among the heretics. [Vol. v. p. 604, this series.]

4 e0pisuggra/fein h@ epidiata/ssesqai.

5 kata\ po/nton. But the Codex Regius reads kata\ to/pon, the church of the place, i.e., the church of Ancyra itself. This reading is confirmed by Nicephorus, book iv. 23, and is adopted by the Latin interpreter.

6 diateqrullhme/nhn, "ringing with it," "deafened by it."

7 e@kasta/ te. Others propose e0ka/tiqtote, "constantly," "daily."

8 a0ntiqe/touj. Others read a0ntiqe/ouj, "the enemies of God."

9 Zwtikou= tou= 'Otrhnouj. Nicephorus reads 'Ostrhnou=. [Compare p. 336, infra. This looks like a bishop or a presbyter attending Asterius (compare Cyprian, vol. v. p. 319, note 7, this series), and is a token that our author was a bishop.]

10 e!nstasij.

11 'Ardabau=. One codex makes it 'Ardaba=b.

12 e0n th= kata\ th\n frugian Musi/a. Rufinus renders it, apud Phrygiam Mysiae civitatem; others render it, apud Mysiam Phrygiae; Migne takes it as defining this Mysia to be the Asiatic one, in distinction from the European territory, which the Latins called Moesia, but the Greeks also Musi/a.

13 pneumatoforhqh=nai.

14 diastolh=j.

15 ei0j to\ mhke/ti kwlu/esqai siwpa=n.

16 th\n a0pokekoimhme/nhn, etc; the verb being used literally of the wife who proves false to her marriage vow.

17 e0legktiko/n. Montanus, that is to say, or the demon that spake by Montanus, knew that it had been said of old by the Lord, that when the Spirit came He would convince or reprove the world of sin; and hence this false spirit, with the view of confirming his hearers in the belief that he was the true Spirit of God, sometimes rebuked and condemned them. See a passage in Ambrose's Epistle to the Thessal., ch. v. (Migne).

18 [Vol. ii. pp. 4, 5.]

19 [Compare Num. xvi. 41.]

20 ametrofw/nouj. So Homer in the Iliad calls Thersites a0metroeph/j, "unbridled of tongue," and thus also mendacious.

21 tou= o0no/matoj. Nicephorus reads tou= no/mou, "for the law." [Compare Tertullian, vol. iii. cap. 28, p. 624.]

22 kata\ de\ to\n e9kastou= teleuth=j kairo/n.

23 oi\on e0pi/tropon. Rufinus renders it, "veluti primogenitum prophetiae ipsorum." Migne takes it as meaning steward, manager of a common fund established among the Montanists for the support of their prophets. Eusebius (v. 18) quotes Apollonius as saying of Montanus, that he established exactors of money, and provided salaries for those who preached his doctrine.

24 pareksth=nai.

25 diskeuqe/ta, "pitched like a quoit."

26 The text is, a0lla\ mh\ a@neu. But in various codices we have the more correct reading, a0lla\ mh\ a@neu.

27 These words are apparently a scholium, which Eusebius himself or some old commentator had written on the margin of his copy. We gather also from them that Asterius Urbanus was credited with the authorship of these three books, and not Apollinaris, as some have supposed.

28 Comana seems to have been a town of Pamphylia. At least a bishop of Comana is mentioned in the epistle of the bishops of Pamphylia to Leo Augustus, cited in the third part of the Council of Chalcedon, p. 391. [See p. 335, note 9, supra.]

29 Themison was a person of note among the Montanists, who boasted of himself as a confessor and martyr, and had the audacity to write a catholic epistle to the churches like an apostle, with the view of commending the new prophecy to them. See Euseb., v. 18.

30 e0n toi=j peri\ Ga/i>\on ...marturh/sasi. It may be intended for, "In the case of the martyrs Caius and Alexander."

31 Migne is of opinion that there has been an interchange of names between this passage and the Exordium, and that we should read Miltiades here, and Alcibiades there. But see Exordium, note 3, p. 335. [And compare Eusebius, book v. cap. 3, where two of this name are mentioned; also Ibid., cap. 17.]

32 This seems to be the sense of the text, which appears to be imperfect here: a\ll' ou0k a@n e@xoien sei=cai tellareskaide/katon h!dh pou tou=to e0toj a0po\ th=j Macimi/llhj teleuth=j.

33 Vol. ii. p. 3, this series.

34 Ibid., p. 56.

1 London, Macmillans, 1885. Refer to part ii. vol. i. pp. 476-485.

2 See p. 335, supra, note 2.

3 Lightfoot also gives a reference to Migne's Patrologia, vol. cxv. p. 1211.

4 See p. 333, supra. "There is no clue to the authorship" of the fragments, says the translator; but, under the lead of a Lightfoot, who may not hope to find one? I commend the quarry to studious readers.

1 A fragment by the martyr Victorinus, bishop of Petau, who flourished towards the end of the third century. [He died in the persecution A.D. 304. For the text and full annotations, see Routh, iii. 451-483. His See must not be confounded with the Gallic Poictiers. He was of Petau in Austria (Pannonia Superior), as Launoy demonstrated A.D. 1653.]

2 Gen. i. 16, 17.

3 Rev. iv. 6. [See vol. v. note 3, p. 618, this series.]

4 Gen. ii. 10.

5 paraskeuh/.

6 Isa. i. 13, 14.

7 John vii. 22.

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