106 The founder or preparer of the material.

107 [Quam vim potuit habere nullo dante?]

108 Providentia.

109 Sibi illam dedit. There is another reading, illa sibi illam dedit, but it does not give so good a sense.

110 A proverbial expression, signifying "to get out of one difficulty by getting into another." The passage in the text is a quotation from Terence, Phorm., v. 2. 15. [Not in some editions of our author; e.g., Basil, 1521.]

111 Stand firm and stedfast.

112 Which does not exist there, from whence it is sought.

113 Fountain.

114 Distruitur, "pulled to pieces." The word is thus used by Cicero.

115 Distruitur, "pulled to pieces." The word is thus used by Cicero.

116 Ch. 3 and 7. [See pp. 11, 17, supra.]

117 [Multo absurdior.]

118 Lactantius seems to refer not to the true prophets, but to those of other nations, such as Orpheus and Zoroaster, or the magi of the Persians, the gymnosophists of the Indians, or the Druids of the Gauls. St. Augustine often makes mention of these. It would seem inconsistent to mention Moses and the prophets of God with the prophets of the heathens. [Compare, however, "Christian analogies," etc., in Justin. See vol. i. 169; also Ibid., pp. 182, 283-286.]

119 Pari voce.

120 The work of the world, and the workmanship of God.

121 Qui sunt principes omnis disciplinae. There is another reading: quae sunt principes omnium disciplinae, "which are the leading sects of all."

122 Thales said that the world was the work of God.

123 This statement is incorrect, as Plato was born B.C. 430, and Epicurus B.C. 337.

124 There is probably an allusion to the Cynics.

125 Conglobatam. Another reading is, quàm materiâ providentiam conglobatam.

126 Hinge.

127 Abyss.

128 As often as he is an Epicurean.

129 The last hand.

130 Metamorph., book i.

131 Fabrica. The word is also used to denote the exercise of skill in workmanship.

132 Caementa, rough stones from the quarry.

133 Pertaining to time, as opposed to eternal.

134 Looking into.

135 A curious and profane eagerness.

136 Secret writings.

137 Apos. Const. (so-called), book ii. cap. 57. See Bingham, book viii. cap. 3, sec. 3; also vol. ii. note 1, p. 535, this series, and vol. iii. note 1, p. 31. So Cyril of Jerusalem, Augustine, and later Fathers. Bingham book xiii. cap. 8, sec. 15.]

138 [In baptism, the renunciations were made with face turned to the west. Bingham, book xi. cap. 7, sec. 4.]

139 Spatia; an expression derived from the chariot-race.

140 A play upon the words Sol, the sun, and solus, alone.

141 Antitheus, one who takes the place of God: as Antichrist, a0nti/xristoj, one who sets himself in the place of Christ.

142 Emit rays.

143 Metamorph., i. 430.

144 [Discors concordia.]

145 Sacramento. Torches were lighted at marriage ceremonies, and the bride was sprinkled with water.

146 The living principle.

147 The artificer.

148 Animal.

149 Eliquaverit. "strained off," "made liquid."

150 [So Izaak Walton: "Known only to him whose name is Wonderful."]

151 By species.

152 Jumenta, "beasts of burthen," as though derived from juvo, "to aid."

153 Homo, "man," from humus, "the ground." [P. 56, supra.]

154 This image, or likeness of God, in which man was originally created, is truly described not by Plato, but by St. Paul: 2 Cor. iv. 6; Col. iii. 10; Eph. iv. 24.

155 Another reading is, "Man is my image."

156 Sacrario, "the shrine."

157 Father's brother.

158 Gradus.

159 Prophetical writings.

160 Book i. [ch. 11, p. 22, supra].

161 The title o9 dhmiourgo\j, the Architect, or Creator, is used by Plato and Hermes.

162 Georg., ii. 341. [Terrea progenies duris caput extulit arvis.]

163 Terrea. Another reading is ferrea, "the race of iron."

164 The origin.

165 The fable of the three Parcae-Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos-is derived from Hesiod.

166 Frailty.

167 Ripeness, or suitableness.

168 Little bags, or follicles.

169 Book v. 806. [Uteri terram radicibus apti.]

170 A perpetual temperature and an equable spring.

171 The seasons were varied.

172 Be rough.

173 Inextricabilis, that cannot be disentangled. 3

174 [De Legibus, book i. cap. 7.]

175 That is, according to the notions of the heathen.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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