163 Acts x. 42.

164 Gen. xix. 24.

165 Gen. xxxii. 30.

166 Gen. xviii. 25, 27.

167 Ex. iii. 2.

168 Deut. xviii. 15.

169 Josh. v. 14.

170 1 Sam. xii. 3.

171 Ps. xlv.

172 Prov. viii. 22-25.

173 Prov. ix. 1.

174 Isa. xi. 1, 10.

175 One V. ms. inserts: "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion,"

176 Zech ix. 9.

177 Dan. vii. 13.

178 Dan. ii. 34.

179 1 Lam. iv. 20.

180 2 John iii. 36.

181 3 Ex. xxxiv. 28; 1 Kings xix. 8; Dan. x. 2, 3.

182 4 1 Sam. i. 15.

183 5 Jonah iii. 5.

184 6 Esth. iv. 16; Judith viii. 6.

185 7 Ps. cix. 24.

1 Num. xvi.

2 Num. xii. 1.

3 2 Chron. xxvi.

4 2 Sam. xviii.-xx.

5 Num. xvi.

6 2 Sam. xv. 3.

7 2 Sam. xx. 1.

8 Acts xiii. 22.

9 Num. xvi. 13, xii. 2, xvi. 3.

10 Ex. ii. 14.

11 Num. xii. 3.

12 The words from "and affronted" to "by his holiness" are not in one V. ms.

13 The words from "who had" to "Egyptians" are not in one V. ms.

14 Ex. vii., etc.

15 Ex.. xiv. 28.

16 Ex. xvii. 6.

17 Ex. xvi.

18 Ex. xiii. 21.

19 Ex. xxxi., etc.

20 Ex. xxxiii. 11.

21 Deut. xxxiv. 10.

22 Num. xiv. 10.

23 Num. xvi. 15.

24 Num. xiv. 5.

25 Num. xvi. 21.

26 2 Cor. vi. 17.

27 Jer. xxiii. 15.

28 Jer. xii. 7.

29 Isa. v. 6.

30 Isa. i. 8.

31 See Ecclus. xxiv. 25.

32 Ps. lxviii. 16.

33 Jer. xvii. 12.

34 Isa. ii. 2.

35 Matt. xxiii. 38.

36 Joel ii. 28.

37 Job i., etc.

38 Zech. iii. 1.

39 Luke xxii. 31.

40 Zech. iii. 2, etc.

41 Luke xxii. 32.

42 Acts viii.

43 [Either an ignorant error or a peculiar use of a technical word (p. 383, supra) to signify a missionary. See the note, book viii. sec. 3, cap. 17, infra.]

44 [Were sent, rather. See Acts viii. 14.]

45 Acts viii. 19.

46 "The devil:" this reading is adopted from the V. mss.

47 The V. mss. insert here: "Simon, therefore, being moved by the devil, brought the money."

48 Acts viii. 20, etc.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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