1 The words "one and only" are omitted in the Syriac and Coptic.

2 One V. ms. omits "His Father." The Syriac amd Coptic have "the only Father."

3 John xvii. 6, 4.

4 John xvii. 11, 25.

5 Mark xvi. 17, 18.

6 The Coptic reads "our God."

7 Luke x. 20.

8 Isa. xxviii. 11; 1 Cor. xiv. 21.

9 Ex. vii. and iv.

10 Deut. xviii. 15, etc.

11 Matt. xi. 5.

12 2 Tim. iii. 8.

13 Instead of "Christ," the Coptic reads, "through His Holy Son."

14 The Coptic reads, "and in Christ and the Holy Spirit."

15 The Coptic reads, "and His only begotten Son, who was with the Father and the life-giving Holy Spirit before all the ages."

16 The Coptic reads, "spotless virgin."

17 1 Cor. xii. 8.

18 Ex. vii. 1.

19 Josh. x.

20 1 Kings xix. 18; Rom. xi. 4.

21 2 Kings vi.

22 Dan vi. 16, iii.

23 Num. xxiii. and xxiv.

24 John xi. 51. [See on the Sibyllina, passim.]

25 1 Jer. xxviii. and xxix.

26 2 Num. xxv. and xxxi.

27 3 Acts xix. 14.

28 4 Mal. i. 6.

29 5 Jer. xxix. 22.

30 6 1 Pet. v. 5.

31 7 Acts [xi. 28] xv. 32, xxi. 10.

32 8 Ex. xv. 20.

33 9 Judg. iv. 4.

34 10 2 Kings xxii. 14.

35 11 Judith viii.

36 12 Luke i. and ii.

37 13 Acts xxi. 9.

38 14 [The compiler has forgotten that few of these had husbands, at least at the time when they are reported to have prophesied.-R.]

39 15 Isa. lxvi. 2.

40 16 We have adopted the reading of one V. ms., a0pexrh/sato. It means more than is in the text-that God used the wicked in a way in which they would not be naturally used; lit., "abused," or "misused." The other mss. and the Coptic read a0pexari/sato, "gave His gifts to the wicked for prophecy." Whiston has tried to make sense by giving a new meaning to a0pexari/sato, "taking away His grace from the wicked."

41 17 Luke x. 16.

42 18 The Coptic and one V. ms. omit from the commencement of the chapter to "deacons." The V. ms. has: "Peter, the chief of the apostles, proclaimed the Gospel to Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, Bithynia, and finally in Rome, where he was crucified by the prefect in the reign of Nero, and where also he is buried."

43 19 From this to the end of ch. xxvi., only small portions of what is now in the received text occur in the Coptic version. The Oxford ms. is also deficient. It has only a portion of the fifth, nothing of ch. vi. to xvi., and only a single sentence in ch. xxii. The portions in Coptic are printed in italics.

44 20 Omitted in one V. ms.

45 Matt. xviii. 16.

46 The Coptic has, "let the bishop pray for him."

47 The Oxford ms. has this chapter in an abbreviated form as in the parallel columns.

48 2 Cor. i. 3.

49 Ps. cxiii. 5.

50 One V. ms. reads, "with whom."

51 The Coptic inserts, "let the holy Gospels be read."

52 The Coptic reads "Gospel" instead of "Law."

53 One V. ms. has the following note: "Andrew the brother of Peter preaches the Gospel to the Scythians, Sogdiani, and Thracians, who on account of preaching Christ is crowned with the martyrdom of the cross by Aegaea the proconsul, and was buried in Patrae. Afterwards he was removed to Constantinople by the Emperor Constantine."

54 2 Cor. vii. 1, vi. 16; Ps. cxxi. 8.

55 One V. ms. has proboleu/j, "the sender forth," or "producer," instead of "God."

56 Ps. li. 10.

57 Mark v. 9; Zech. iii. 2.

58 Matt. xii. 29; Luke x. 19.

59 Job xl. 24, LXX.

60 Luke x. 18.

61 Ps. cvi. 9; Isa. li. 10; Ps. xcvii. 5; Isa. lxiv. 1, Ps. cxvii. 2, viii. 2, xcvii. 4, civ. 32; Nah. i. 4, 3; Job ix. 8, LXX.

62 [Comp. note 1, p. 477, book vii. chap. xliii.-R.]

63 Isa. i. 16.

64 Rom. xvi. 20.

65 Col. ii. 13, 14.

66 Phil. iv. 3.

67 2 Cor. vii. 1.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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