31 Matt. vii. 21, loosely quoted.

32 [Literally, "in."-R.]

33 [A defect in A was thus supplied, but "these" is now accepted; so C, S.-R.]

34 Some read "God." ["Him" is correct.-R.]

35 Or, "with Me." [This is the more exact rendering of met' e0mou= .-R.]

36 The first part of this sentence is not found in Scripture; for the second, comp. Matt. vii. 23, Luke xiii. 27. [The first part is not even identified as a citation from an apocryphal book.-R.]

37 Matt. x. 16.

38 No such conversation is recorded in Scripture. [Comp. note 13.-R.]

39 Or, "Let not the lambs fear."

40 Matt. x. 28; Luke xii. 4, 5.

41 Or, "know."

42 The text and translation are here doubtful. [All doubt has been removed; the above rendering is substantially correct.-R.]

43 [More exactly, "the righteous path," th=j o9douj th=j dikai/aj.-R.]

44 Matt. vi. 24; Luke xvi. 13.

45 Matt. xvi. 26. [The citation is not exactly according to any evangelist. Literally, "For what advantage is it, if any one gain the whole (C omits `whole 0') world, but forfeit his life," or "soul."-R.]

46 Literally, "speaks of." [So Lightfoot.-R].

47 Or, "enjoy." [Lightfoot: "but must bid farewell to the one and hold companionship with the other;" thus preserving the correspondence with the preceding sentence.-R.]

48 The ms. has, "we reckon." [So C and S, but Lightfoot retains the subjunctive.-R.]

49 Ezek. xiv. 14, 20.

50 [Literally, "But if even such righteous men."-R.]

51 Literally, "with what confidence shall we."

52 Wake translates "kingdom," as if the reading had been basilei/an; but the ms. has basi/leion, "palace." [Lightfoot gives the former rendering, though accepting basi/leion.-R.]

53 [Literally, "holy and righteous works."-R.]

54 [a0gwniswmeqa, "let us strive," as in the games.-R.]

55 Literally, "that many set sail for corruptible contests," referring probably to the concourse at the Isthmian games.

56 Or, "Let us place before us." [The latter rendering is that of the reading found in A and C, and now accepted by many editors (qw=men); but Lightfoot adheres to qe/wmen (so S), and holds the former reading to be a corruption.-R.]

57 Or, "set sail."

58 Literally, "know."

59 Literally "if he be found corrupting."

60 Baptism is probably meant. [See Eph. i. 13 and Acts xix. 6.]

61 [Or, "He saith;" "unbroken" is not necessary.-R.]

62 Isa. lxvi. 24.

63 Comp. Luke xvi. 10-12.

64 ms. has "we," which is corrected by all editors as above. [The newly discovered authorities have the second person; most recent editors, however, adopt the first person, as lectio difficilior. So Lightfoot; but Hilgenfeld restores a0pola/bhte in his second edition.-R.]

65 Some have thought this a quotation from an unknown apocryphal book, but it seems rather an explanation of the preceding words.

66 [Editors differ as to the punctuation. Lightfoot: "Understand ye. In what were ye saved? In what did ye recover your sight? if ye were not in the flesh." Hilgenfeld puts a comma after gnw=te (understand ye), and a period after e0sw/qhte (saved).-R.]

67 Literally, "looked up." [Both senses of a0nable/pein occur in New Testament.-R.]

68 The ms. has ei[j, "one," which Wake follows, but it seems clearly a mistake for w0j. [Lightfoot reads ei,with a Syriac fragment; both C and S have ei[j-R.]

69 [C has here the curious reading lo/goj instead of pneu=ma, but all editors retain the latter.-R.]

70 [A reads "eternal," and C, S, "praise;" Lightfoot and others combine the two, "eternal praise,"-R.]

71 Matt. xii. 50.

72 Literally, "rather."

73 Literally, "malice, as it were, the precursor of our sins." Some deem the text corrupt.

74 Literally, according to the ms., "it is not possible that a man should find it who are"-the passage being evidently corrupt. [The evidence of C and S does not clear up the difficulty here, the reading of these authorities being substantially that of A. Lightfoot renders: "For for this cause is a man unable to attain happiness, seeing that they call in the fears of men," etc. Hilgenfeld (2d ed.) assumes here a considerable gap in all the authorities, and inserts two paragraphs, cited in other authors as from Clement. The first and longer passage is from John of Damascus, and it may be accounted for as a loose citation from chap. xx. in the recovered portion of this Epistle. The other is from pseudo-Justin (Questions to the Orthodox, 74) This was formerly assigned by both Hilgenfeld and Lightfoot (against Harnack) to the First Epistle of Clement, lviii., in that portion wanting in A. But the recovered chapters (lviii.-lxiii.) contain, according to C and S, no such passage. Lightfoot thinks the reference in pseudo-Justin is to chap. xvi. of this homily, and that the mention of the Sibyl in the same author is not necessarily part of the citation from Clement. Comp. Lightfoot, pp. 308, 447, 448, 458, 459, and Hilgenfeld, 2d ed., pp. xlviii., 77.-R.]

75 [Lightfoot, more literally, "but now they continue teaching evil to innocent souls."-R.]

76 The same words occur in Clement's first epistle, chap. xxiii.

77 1 Cor. ii. 9.

78 These words are quoted (Clem. Alex., Strom., iii. 9, 13) from the Gospel according to the Egyptians, no longer extant.

79 Thus ends the ms., but what followed will be found in Clem. Alex. as just cited.

80 For details respecting the version here given, see Introductory Notice, pp. 514, 515.

81 Or, more correctly, both here and above, "by this He meaneth."

82 All editors read ou0de\n fronh=, but C has fronei= which is ungrammatical. In this clause, after i#na we would expect mhden; butas Lightfoot suggests, ou0se\n may be combined as a substantive idea with qhluko/n; comp. the use of ou0 with participles.

83 For mhde/ (so C) Gebhardt would substitute mhd' h#de, while S supplies in full, quum soror videbit fratrem, an obvious interpretament.

84 This seems to be an explanation of the saying above referred to, and not a citation; similar cases occur in the homily.

85 The headings to the chapters have been supplied by the editor, but in so rambling a discourse they are in some cases necessarily unsatisfactory.

86 Hilgenfeld reads mou instead of ou[n; so S apparently. The chapters are usually introduced with ou[n (nine times) or wste (five times).

87 gimw/meqa; Lightfoot, "be found."

88 Literally, "ourselves," e9autoi=j; but the reciprocal sense is common in Hellenistic Greek, and is here required by the context.

89 Comp. Acts v. 41, where the correct text omits au\tou=. The Revised Version properly capitalizes "Name" in that passage.

90 C here, and in many other cases, reads u9ma=j; comparison of mss. shows that it is a correction of the scribe.

91 Lightfoot renders dia\ panto/j, "every way;" but the temporal sense is common in Hellenistic Greek, and here required by the Hebrew.

92 Isa. lii. 5, with pasi=n inserted.

93 Lightfoot reads, kai\ pa/lin Ou0ai/, following the Syriac. C has kai Dio/. There is difficulty in identifying this second quotation: comp. Ezek. xxxvi. 20-23. Lightfoot thinks it probable that the preacher used two different forms of Isa. lii. 5.

94 This sentence is not part of the citation, but an explanation, the words being used as if spoken by God. The Syriac text seeks to avoid this difficulty by reading, "by our not doing what we say."

95 Here ta\ lo/gia to= Qeou= is used of the Scriptures, and with distinct reference to the New Testament; see next note.

96 In view of the connection, this must mean "God in His oracles;" a significant testimony to the early belief in the inspiration of the Gospels.

97 Luke vi. 27, 32, freely combined; comp. Matt. v. 44, 46. The use of xa/rij u0min shows that the quotation is from the former Gospel.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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