242 Virg., Aen., iv. 464. Some read priorum instead of piorum.
244 Addico, "to adjudge," is the legal term, expressing the sentence by which the praetor gave effect to the right which he had declared to exist.
246 Mancipo. The word implies the making over or transferring by a formal act of sale. Debtors, who were unable to satisfy the demands of their creditors, were made over to them, and regarded as their slaves. They were termed addicti. Our Lord said (John viii. 34), "Whosoever committeth sin, is the servant of sin." Thus also St. Paul, Rom. vi. 16, 17.
247 [Quare non est dubium quin religio nulla sit ubicunque simulacrum est. Such is the uniform Ante-Nicene testimony.]
248 Simulacrum, "an image," from simulo, "to imitate."
252 [Quis autem nesciat plus esse momenti in paucioribus doctis, quam in pluribus imperitis?]
1 [A modest confession of his desire to "find out acceptable words." Eccles. xii.. 10. His success is proverbial]
4 [i.e., false sophia = "philosophy falsely so called." Vol. v. p. 81.]
5 Aliter. This word is usually read in the former clause, but it gives a better meaning in this position.
6 [Religionum falsitas. He does not here employ superstitio. By the way, Lactantius derives this word from those "qui superstitem memoriam hominum, tanquam deorum, colerent." Cicero, however, derives it from those who bother the gods with petitions,-"pro superstite prole." See note of the annotator of the Delphin Cicero, on the Natura Deor., i. 17.]
8 What he professed-gave himself out to be.
10 It is evident that the Academy took its rise from the doctrine of Socrates. Plato, the disciple of Socrates, founded the Academy. However excellent their system may appear to many, the opinion of Carneades the Stoic seems just, who said that "the wise man who is about to conjecture is about to err, for he who conjectures knows nothing." Thus knowledge is taken from them by themselves.-Betul.
11 With nothing but an inner wall between.
12 Terent., Heautont., iii. sec. 97.
13 spartoi/, those who sprung from the dragon's teeth.
14 Distrahi, which is the reading of some editions, is here followed in preference to the common reading, detrahi.
18 In Greek, a0su/staton, "without consistency, not holding together;" in Latin, "instabile" or "inconstans."
19 Versutus, one who turns and shifts.
21 The hinge of wisdom altogether turns.
22 Rationem, "the plan or method of his condition."
23 [Sus ille lutulentus. 2 Pet. ii. 22.]
24 They, i.e., the beasts of prey and the tame animals.
25 Virg, Georg. iii. 112, 102.
26 [De Finibus, book v. cap. 28.]
27 Literally, "since the nature of good things is placed on a steep ascent, that of evil things on a precipitous descent."
28 Honestas is used with some latitude of meaning, to express respectability of character, or honourable feeling, or the principle of honour, or virtue itself. [See Philipp. iv. 8.]
29 That he might be able to make some answer.
31 This sight or spectacle, that is, into this world. This expression is used for the place from which the sight is beheld.
33 Each, viz., the world and the eye.
34 Expedita, "free from obstacles," "unembarrassed."
35 Humanity, properly that which is characteristic of man, then kindness and humaneness.
36 Pietas. The word denotes not only piety towards God, but also the affection due to a parent.
37 The sounds uttered bv the beasts, by which they are able to distinguish one another. [Rousseau's theory goes further.]
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