29 [The Sursum corda, found in all liturgies.]

30 [See Hammond's Lit. of Antioch, etc., p. 15, note 29.]

31 [Compare the Clementine, p. 488; and note differences.]

32 [A token of Post-Nicene origin. Vol. v. p. 259, Elucid. I.]

33 [Supposed by some to be a relic of the original formula as the Apostles delivered it. On the synaxis, see vol. v. p. 259. Elucid. II.].

34 [These abrupt interjections of the deacon are made while the priest proceeds. This logically follows what the priest subjoins.]

35 To conceive. [A feeble interpolation in the Edinburgh edition.]

36 [Post-Nicene, but legitimate.]

37 [Understood mystically and spiritually down to a late period, even in the West. See Ratramni De Corpore et Sanguine, Oxon., 1838. Note the inference as to time of sanctification.]

38 [See vol. v. Elucidation VII. p. 561.]

39 [An honorary title conceded to Jerusalem by the Second General Council: th=j de/ mhtro\j a9pasw=n tw=/ e0kklhsiw=n.]

40 Services. [Otherwise, "who do good works in Thy holy churches."]

41 [The Angelical Salutation is here an evident interpolation, marring the grand unities of the liturgy.]

42 [I place in a note what follows:]- Then the Priest says aloud:-Hail in the highest, our all-holy, pure, most blessed, glorious lady, the God-mother and ever-virgin Mary.

The Singers.Verily it is becoming to bless Thee, the God-bearing, the ever-blessed, and all-blameless, and mother of our God, more honourable than the cherubim, and incomparably more glorious than the seraphim: thee, who didst bear with purity God the Word, thee the true God-mother, we magnify.

And again they sing:-In thee, highly favoured, all creation rejoices, the host of angels, and the race of men; hallowed temple, and spiritual paradise, pride of virgins, of whom God was made flesh and our God, who was before eternity, became a little child: for He made Thy womb His throne, and Thy bowels more capacious than the heavens. In thee, O highly favoured one, all creation rejoices: glory unto thee.

43 [A prayer entirely corresponding with the primitive ideas. See vol. vi. p. 488, and elucidation, p. 541.]

44 [In all early liturgies always following the Lord's Prayer, to accentuate the petition against the evil one. It hurls back his "fiery darts," as it were; whence this name.]

45 [Duplicated, with other parts, in the Greek copies.]

46 [The taking-up of the gifts is here erroneously introduced in the Edinburgh edition.]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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