250 Gen. i. 31.

251 In his De Gen. con. Manich. i. 21, he enlarges to the same effect on Gen. i. 31.

252 He alludes in the above statements to the heretical notions of the Manichaeans. Their speculations on these matters are enlarged on in note 8 on p. 76.

253 1 Cor. ii. 12.

254 Matt. x. 20.

255 See the end of note 1, p. 74.

256 Rom. v. 5.

257 In his Retractations, ii. 6, he says: "Non satis considerate dictum est; res enem in abdito est valde."

258 Compare De Gen. con. Manich. ii. 15.

259 " `Concipiendam, 0' or the reading may be `concupiscendam, 0' according to St. Augustin's interpretation of Gen. iii. 16, in the De Gen. con. Manich. ii. 15. `As an instance hereof was woman made, who is in the order of things made subject to the man; that what appears more evidently in two human beings, the man and the woman, may be contemplated in the one, man; viz. that the inward man, as it were manly reason, should have in subjection the appetiteof the soul, whereby we act through the bodily members. 0' "-E. B. P.

260 See p. 165, note 4, above.

261 Gen. i. 31.

262 Rom. iv. 5.

263 See p. 165, note 2, above.

264 "The peace of heaven," says Augustin in his De Civ. Dei, xix. 17, "alone can be truly called and esteemed the peace of the reasonable creatures, consisting as it does in the perfectly ordered and harmonious enjoyment of God, and of one another in God. When we shall have reached that peace, this mortal life shall give place to one that is eternal, and our body shall be no more this animal body which by its corruption weighs down the soul, but a spiritual body feeling no want, and in all its members subjected to the will." See p. 111, note 8 (end), above.

265 Compare his De Gen. ad Lit. iv. 9: "For as God is properly said to do what we do when He works in us, so is God properly said to rest when by His gift we rest."

266 Matt. vii. 7.

1 Philosophie de St. Augustin, Preface.

2 Essai sur les Conf. de St. Aug. p.5.

3 Confessions, x. sec. 4.

1 Hermogenianus was one of the earliest and most intimate friends of Augustin, and his associate in literary and philosophical studies.

2 [Academy was a grove dedicated to the Attic hero Academos, on the banks of the Kephissos near Athens, where Plato taught. Hence it became the name of the Platonic school of philosophy. It had three branches,-the Older, the Middle, and the Younger Academy. The study of Platonism was a preparatory step to the conversion of Augustin in 386.-P. S.]

3 We follow the reading "tegendi veri."

4 [Carneades of Cyrene (B.C. 214-129), the founder of the third Academic school, who came to Rome B.C. 155, went further in the direction of scepticism than Arcesilas, and taught that certain knowledge was impossible. See Ueberweg, History of Philosophy, i. 133, 136 (transl. of Morris).-P. S.]

5 Augustin's work, De Academicis, b. iii. c. 20.

6 Zenobius was the friend to whom Augustin dedicated his books De Ordine. In book i. ch. 1 and 2, we have a delightful description of the character of Zenobius.

7 Ut latiné loquar, non esse.

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at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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