230 Balneis vel thermis..

231 The Benedictine Fathers translate this, in their note, sitz-bath.

232 Gen. xxxi. 53.

233 Gen. xxvi. 31.

234 Judg. vi. 26.

235 Josh. vi. 19.

236 Deut. vii. 26.

237 Matt. v. 34, 36.

238 Deut. vii. 25,26.

239 Ps. xxiv. 1; 1 Cor. x. 25, 26; and 1 Tim. iv. 4.

240 For Augstin's mature view on this subject, see his work. De Libero Arbitrio, i. 5. 13: "That it is wrong to shed the blood of our fellow-men in defence of those things which ought to be despised by us."

241 Matt.v.39.

242 Acts xxiii 17-24.

243 The monastery of these brethren was in the island of Capraria-the same, I suppose, with Caprera-now so widely famous as Garibaldi's home.

244 1 Cor. xii. 26.

245 Matt. v. 41.

246 Ps. lxxix. 11.

247 Ps. xxv. 9.

248 Deut. xvii. 11.

249 Ps. lvii. 1 and xciv. 15.

250 Eph. iv. 32.

251 1 Cor. ix. 27.

252 Eph. vi. 16.

253 Eph. v. 19.

254 1 Cor. x. 31.

255 1 Cor. xii. 11.

256 Rom. xii. 11.

257 Ps. xxxiv. 2.

258 Ps. xxv. 15.

259 Phil. iv. 9.

260 Cilicium, the garment of goats' hair worn by the brethren. These were the staple article of manufacture in Caprera, "the goat island."

261 This letter is found only in the Vatican Ms. On this ground, and because of its tone and style, its composition has been ascribed to another hand than Augustin's. The reader may judge for himself. The sixty Christians of Suffectum (a town in the territory of Tunis), whose death is here mentioned, are commemorated in the martyrology of the Roman Catholic Church. Their day in the Calendar is Aug. 30.

262 Singulis nummis.

263 Jer. xxxvi. 23.

264 Num. xvi. 31-35.

265 Dominici libri.

266 Felicianus and Praetextatus were two of the twelve bishops by whom Maximianus was ordained. They were condemned by the Donatist Council of Bagae; but finding it impossible to eject them from their sees, the Donatists yielded after a time, and restored them to their office. See Letter LIII. p. 299.

267 Ps. xxii. 27.

268 John i. 33.

269 We conjecture this to be the meaning of the elliptical expression EUTUXWS with which the letter ends.

270 "Ordo." The phrase is afterwards given (sec. 2) more fully, "ordo episcoporum sibi succcdentium."

271 Gal.i. 8.

272 Matt. xxiv. 14.

273 Gal. iii. 16.

274 Totius Ecclesiae figuram gerenti.

275 Matt. xvi. 18.

276 Matt. xxiii. 3.

277 Compare the allusion to the same custom in Letter XLIII. sec. 21, p. 155.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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