1157 Rom. 6:19.

1158 Matt. v. 16.

1159 Rom. viii. 35-39.

1160 1 Cor. i. 30,31; Jer. ix. 24.

1161 Rom. v.5.

1162 Ps. xxxvi. 8, 9.

1163 Rom. v. 3-5.

1164 Rom. xii. 16.

1165 The heresy of Pelagius is obviously alluded to here as having begun thus early (A.D. 413) to command attention.

1166 Matt. xxiv. 41.

1167 Matt. vi. 13.

1168 Matt. ix. 12, 13.

1169 Pelagius made use of this letter at the Council of Diospolis, in A.D. 415, which compelled Augustin to vindicate himself in reference to it in his narrative of the proceedings of Pelagius. See Anti-Pelagian Writings, vol. i. p. 413.

1170 Fortunatianus, Bishop of Sicqua, was one of the seven bishop selected to represent the Catholics in the Conference of Carthage with the Donatists in 411. He was probably a neighbour of the bishop who had regarded himself as aggrieved by the arguments with which Augustin confuted some extravagant speculations of his.

1171 1 Cor. xiii. 12.

1172 Col. iii. 13.

1173 Eph. v. 1, 2.

1174 Phil. iii. 15, 16.

1175 1 John iv. 16.

1176 Ambrosius, Lib. i. in Luc. c. i.

1177 John xiv. 16, 17.

1178 1 John iv. 12.

1179 Ambrosius, Lib. ii. in Luc. c. iii. v. 22.

1180 Luke xx. 36.

1181 Matt. xviii. 10.

1182 1 Cor. xiii. 12.

1183 2 Cor. iii. 18.

1184 Hieron, lib. i. in Isai, i.

1185 2 Cor. iii. 18.

1186 Hieron. lib. iii. in Isa, i.

1187 See the 49th of the discourses published under the name of Gregory of Nazianzum. M. Dupin has shown that the discourse in question must have been the work of some Latin author.

1188 Ambrose on Luke, c. i. 11.

1189 John i. 18.

1190 1 Tim. vi. 16.

1191 1 Tim. i. 17.

1192 Matt. v. 8.

1193 1 John iii. 2.

1194 Gal. v. 6.

1195 Ambrose on Luke, i. 11.

1196 2 Cor. v. 4-8.

1197 Ps. xciv. 8, 9.

1198 Jerome, in loc.

1199 1 John iv. 8.

1200 Heb. xii. 14.

1201 See note to Letter CXXX. p. 459.

1202 Velationis apophoretum.

1203 Caecilianus was raised in 409 to the office of praefectus praetorio under Honorius, and is probably the person to whom Augustin addressed Letter LXXXVI. p. 365, iii. 405 a.d..

1204 From the beginning to the end of this letter, Augustin studiously avoids naming the persons concerned in the perfidious act of judicial murder, in connection with which the suspicion of many had been fastened upon Caecilianus. The person by whose orders the sentence of death was carried into effect was Count Marinus, the general by whom the attempt of Heraclianus (413 A.D.) to seize the imperial power was defeated, and who afterwards received a commission to pass into Africa and punish those who had been implicated in the revolt of Heraclianus. A commission of this kind opened a wide door for the gratification of private revenge by enemies who did not scruple to bring false accusations against the innocent; and among the victims of such injustice were two brothers who had, by their zeal for the Catholic Church, made themselves obnoxious to the Donatists. The elder of these was Apringius, a magistrate to whom Augustin wrote a letter (the 134th) recommending clemency in punishing the Donatists. The younger was Marcellinus, concerning whom sec also note to Letter CXXXIII. p. 470.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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