1205 In the original of this sentence there is a characteristic antithesis of phrases: "Non sane mors eorum donae vitae occasus fuit sed melioris occasio."

1206 See note to letter CXXXIII. p. 470.

1207 Deum sibi placare.

1208 Me nullum esse expertum concubitum praeter uxorem.

1209 Evodius, Bishop of Uzala, was one of Augustin's early friends. He was a native of the same town (Tagaste), and joined Augustin and Alypius in seeking religious retirement after their baptism, in 387 A.D. He was also with them at Ostia when Monica died. (Confessions, Book ix. ch. 8 and 12).

1210 Nam scholastico proconsulis excipiebat.

1211 Strenuus in notis..

1212 Dissolvi et esse cum Christo. Phil. i. 23.

1213 Psallebat.

1214 Ps. lxxxiv. 2, LXX.

1215 Ps. xxiii. 5, 6, LXX.

1216 2 Cor. iv. 16.

1217 Redemptionals sacramenta obtulimus.

1218 Rom. viii. 37.

1219 Matt. xxvi. 53.

1220 1 Sam. xxviii. 14.

1221 Matt. xvii. 3.

1222 Gen. xviii. 6.

1223 Tob xii. 16.

1224 Matt. i. 20.

1225 Exhibitus quodammodo pergit.

1226 Matt. x. 29.

1227 Qui servit ancillis Dei.

1228 Increduli.

1229 1 Pet. iii. 18-21.

1230 Ps. xvi. 10.

1231 Acts ii. 24, 27, in which the words rendered by Augustin "inferni dolores" are; ta0j w/dinaj tou= qanatou.

1232 Ps. lxxxviii. 5.

1233 We give the original of this important sentence:-"De illo quidem primo homine patre generis humani, quod eum inde solverit Ecclesia fere tota consentit: quod eam non inaniter credidisse credendum est, undecumque hoc traditum sit, etiamsi canonicarum Scripturarum hinc expressa non proferatur auctoritas."

1234 Wisd. x. 1, 2.

1235 Luke xvi. 26.

1236 Ps. xvi. 10.

1237 Rev. i. 5.

1238 Acts ii. 28.

1239 Heb. xi. 40.

1240 1 Pet. iv. 1, 6.

1241 Infernorum. Phil. ii. 9.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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