1242 Ps. cxlii. 7.

1243 Ps. cvii. 14.

1244 Isa. ix. 2.

1245 Luke xvii. 26, 27.

1246 Ps. cxviii. 22; Isa. viii. 14, xxviii. 16; Dan. ii. 34, 45; Matt. xxi. 44; Luke xx. 17; Acts iv. 11; Rom. ix. 33, etc.

1247 John x. 1, 2.

1248 Baruch iii. 37.

1249 Rom. v. 12.

1250 John xiv. 30.

1251 Rom. viii. 3.

1252 Matt. viii. 22.

1253 Eph. v. 4.

1254 John v. 25.

1255 1 Pet. iv. 6.

1256 1 Pet. iv. 17.

1257 See paragraphs 19 and 20.

1258 In assigning this place to Jerome's letter to Marcellinus and Anapsychia. the Benedictine editors have departed from the chronological sequence in order to place it in immediate juxtaposition to Letter CLXVI., written by Augustin to Jerome some years later on the subject mentioned in sec. 1.

1259 See note on Marcellinus in Letter CXXXIII. p. 470.

1260 Ecclesiastica.

1261 John v. 17.

1262 Et simili cum brutus animantibus conditione subsistat.

1263 "Lateque vagantes Barcae1."-Virg. Aeneid, iv. 43

1264 Gen. xvi. 12.

1265 Cicero pro Milone: "Leges inter arma silent."

1266 Ezek. ch. xxxviii. xxxix.

1267 Ibid. ch. xl, xliii.

1268 The following passage from the Retractations of Augustin (Book ii. ch. xlv.) is quoted by the Benedictine Fathers as a preface to this letter and the one immediately succeeding:-"I wrote also two books to Presbyter Jerome, the recluse of Bethlehem [acdentem in Bethlehem]; the one on the origin of the human soul, the other on the sentence of the Apostle James, `Whosoever shall keep the whole law and offend in one point, he is guilty of all 0' (Jas. ii. 10), asking his opinion on both subjects. In the former letter I did not give any answer of my own to the question which I proposed; in the latter I did not keep back what seemed to me the best way to solve the question, but asked whether the same solution commended itself to his judgment. He wrote in return, expressing approbation of my submitting the questions to him, but saying that he had not leisure to send me a reply. So long as he lived, therefore, I refused to give these books to the world, lest he should perhaps at any time reply to them, in which case I would have rather published them along with his answer. After his decease, however, I published them,-the former, in order to admonish any who read it, either to forbear altogether from inquiring into the manner in which a soul is given to infants at the time of birth, or, at all events, in a matter so involved in obscurity, to accept only such a solution of the question as does not contradict the clearest truths which the Catholic faith confesses in regard to original sin in infants, as undoubtedly doomed to perdition unless they be regenerated in Christ; the latter m order that what seemed to us the true answer to the question therein discussed might be known. The work begins with the words, `Deum nostrum qui nos vocavit. 0' "

1269 1 Thess ii. 12.

1270 1 Tim. vi. 16.

1271 Matt. viii. 22.

1272 Rom. vii. 24, 25.

1273 We read pertinere, not pertinens.

1274 Job xiv. 4, 5, according to LXX.

1275 Jerome against Jovinian, Book ii.

1276 Jerome On Jonah, ch. iii.

1277 De Libero Arbitro, iii. 21.

1278 Letter CLXV.

1279 John v. 17.

1280 See Letter CLXV., p. 522.

1281 John iii. 10.

1282 Matt. xxiii. 8.

1283 Ex. xviii. 14-25.

1284 Acts x. 25-48.

1285 Gal. ii. 11-21.

1286 Gen. ii. 2.

1287 Isa. xl. 26; translated by Augustin, "Qui profert numerose saeculam."

1288 Rom. vi. 9.

1289 Hieron. Adv. Ruffin. lib. iii.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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