1 [The Oxford Library and H. de Romestin translate the title: On Instructing the Unlearned.-P. S.]
1 Reading et doctrina fidei et suavitate sermonis, instead of which, however, et doctrinam...suavitatem, etc. also occurs, = possessing at once a rich gift in catechising, and an intimate acquaintance with the faith, and an attractive method of discourse, [or, sweetness of language].
2 Reading retineri as in the Mss. Some editions give retinere = know how to maintain the Christian life and profession.
4 Verbis sonantibus,-sounding words.
5 Perdurant illa cum syllabarum morulis.
6 Sonantia signa,-vocal signs.
13 In the Mss. we also find the reading Ezrae = Ezra.
14 In ipsis articulis = "among the very articles," or "connecting links." Reference is made to certain great epochs or articles of time in sections 6 and 39.
16 Reading movendus, for which monendus = to be admonished, also occurs in the editions.
20 Reading supplantavit. Some Mss. give supplantaret = wherewith also he might supplant, etc.
33 Reading quanto plus, for which some Mss. give plurius, while in a large number we find purius = with how much greater purity should it hold good, etc.
34 Reading studioso...obsequio, for which studiose, etc., also occurs in the editions = are earnestly gratified with the attention etc.
36 Ex miseria...ex misericordia.
38 Reading conscripta, for which some Mss. have consecuta = have followed, and many give consecrata, dedicated.
39 De ipsa etiam severitate Dei...caritas aedificanda est.
40 Non fieri vult potius quam fingere.
41 Or = "signifying assent by its motions," adopting the reading of the best Mss., viz. salutantis corporis. Some editions give salvandi, while certain Mss. have salutis, and others saltantis.
42 Reading quando veniat animo, for which quo veniat animo also occurs = the mind in which a man comes...is a matter hidden from us.
45 Reading ad voluptatem. But many Mss. give ad voluntatem = according to the inclination, etc.
47 Reading veritas adhibitoe rationis, for which we also find adhibita rationis = the applied truth, etc.; and adhibita rationi = the truth applied to our explanation.
48 Non tamen ornamenti seriem ulla immoderatione perturbans.
50 Reading odiose, for which several Mss. give otiose = idly.
52 Reading exponentium. Various codices give ad exponendum = in expounding.
53 Reading quod, with Marriott. But if we accept quod with the Benedictine editors, the sense will = and in ignorance it may be that the true faith condemns them, has retained them in his mind.
54 Aliorumque doctissimorum hominum et disputationibus et scriptionibus in ejus veritate florentium. It may also be = bringing before him the authority of the Church universal, as well as both the disputations and the writings of other most learned men well reputed in (the cause of) its truth.
56 1 Cor. xii. 31. See also above, § 9.
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