35 Matt. xxviii. 19.

36 John xx. 23.

37 Song of Sol. vi. 9.

38 1 John ii. 11.

39 Gal. iii. 27.

40 Wisd. i. 5.

41 Debebat. Hieron, debebat, LXX. w_feilen.

42 Matt. xviii. 23-35.

43 The words in parenthesis are wanting in the Mss., and seem to have crept from the margin into the text.

44 1 Cor. xv. 46.

45 1 Cor. ii. 14.

46 Gal. iv.

47 1 Cor. ii. 14.

48 Ps. cxxxix. 16.

49 Cf. Hieron, and LXX. A.V. "In Thy book were all my members written."

50 Non caste; ou0x a9gnw=j. Phil. i. 16. Hieron. non sincere.

51 In the Retractations, ii. 18 Augustin notes on this passage, that wherever he uses this quotation from the Epistle to the Ephesians, he means it to be understood of the progress of the Church towards this condition, and not of her success, in its attainment; for at present the infirmities and ignorance of her members give ground enough for the whole Church joining daily in the petition. "Forgive us our debts."

52 Gen. xv. 10.

53 1 Pet. iv. 8.

54 See below, ii. 9.

55 Eph. iv. 2, 3.

56 Ps. lxxiii. 18; cp. Hieron.

57 1 Cor. xii. 31, xiii. 1.

58 John xv. 1, 2

59 John xiii. 34.

60 Gal. v. 22, 23.

61 Botrum.

62 John xv. 2.

63 Rom. iii. 17; from which it has been introduced into the Alexandrine Ms. of the Septuagint at Ps. xiv. 3, cf. Hieron.; it is also found in the English Prayer-book version of the Psalms.

64 Charitatis ubera.

1 Praefocantur.

2 The Council of Carthage, A.D. 256, in which eighty-seven African bishops declared in favor of rebaptizing heretics. The opinions of the bishops are quoted and answered by Augustin, one by one, in Books vi and vii.

3 Matt. xvi. 18.

4 Cypr. Ep. lxxi.

5 Gal. i. 20.

6 Gal. ii. 14.

7 Luke xxiii. 40-43.

8 Matt. xxvi. 69-75.

9 That is, the proconsular province of Africa, or Africa Zeugitana, answering to the northern part of the territory of Tunis.

10 The letters of Jubaianas, Mauritanian bishop, are not extant.

11 See above, c. i. 2.

12 Bede asserts that this was the case. Book VIII. qu. 5.

13 See above, c. ii. 3.

14 Matt. xxii. 30.

15 1 Cor x. 13.

16 Phil. iii. 15.

17 Rom. iii. 17; see on i. 19, 29.

18 Phil. iii. 16.

19 1 Cor. xiii. 3.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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