81 Badiae (Vada) in ecclesiastical province of Numidia. For Dativus see Cypr. Epp. lxxvi., lxxvii.

82 Conc. Carth. sec. 15.

83 Matt. vi. 15.

84 Eph. iv. 3.

85 Phil. iii. 15.

86 Abbir Germaniciana was in ecclesiastical province of Zeugitana, or Africa Proconsularis. Successus probably identical with one mentioned in Cypr. Epp. lvii., lxvii., lxx., lxxx.

87 Conc. Carth. sec. 16.

88 1 John iii. 15.

89 Thuccabori, Tucca or Terebrinthina, in ecclesiastical province of Africa Proconsularis or Zeugitana. For Bp. Fortunatus, see Cypr. Epp. xlviii., lvi., lvii. (the first), lxvii., lxx.

90 Conc. Carth. sec. 17.

91 Matt. vii. 24.

92 Cypr. Serm. de Laps.

93 Matt. vii. 24, 26.

94 It is pointed out by the Louvain editors that this passage shows that Augustin considered our Lord's precept to comprehend everything contained in the Sermon on the Mount.

95 It is pointed out by the Louvain editors that this passage shows that Augustin considered our Lord's precept to comprehend everything contained in the Sermon on the Mount.

96 Luke vi. 37.

97 Matt vi. 14, 15.

98 1 Pet. iv. 8.

99 Cypr. Ep. lxxiii. 14.

100 Tuburbo (Thuburbo) was in the ecclesiastical province of Zeugitana. Sedatus is not unlikely the same as the one mentioned in Cypr. Epp. iv., lxvii., lxx.

101 Conc. Carth sec. 18.

102 Phil. iii. 15.

103 See above, III. cc. 14, 15

104 Matt. xiii. 29.

105 1 Kings iii. 26.

106 Sufetula was a town in ecclesiastical province of Byzacene, twenty-five miles from Sufes (same province), of which the name is a diminutive. Bp. Privatianus is mentioned in Cypr. Epp. lvi., lvii.

107 Conc. Carth. sec. 19.

108 See n. 6. p. 475.

109 Conc, Carth. sec. 20.

110 Lares, in ecclesiastical province of Numidia. Hortensianus is very likely the same as the one in Cypr. Epp. lvii., lxx.

111 Conc. Carth. sec. 21.

112 Matt. vii. 23.

113 John i. 33.

114 Macomades [in ecclesiastical province of Numidia.] Bp. Cassius is probably to be identified with the one in Cypr. Ep. lxx.

115 Flebiles et tabidos. This is otherwise taken of the repentant heretics "Melting with the grief and wretchedness of penitence;" but Bishop Fell points out that the interpretation in the text is supported by an expression in c. 33, 63: Mens haeretica, quae diuturna tabe polluta est. Routh Rel. Sac. iii. p. 199.

116 Adulteros. So all the Mss. of Augustin, though in Cyprian is sometimes found "adulterinos." In classical Latin, however "adulterit" is sometimes used in the sense of "adulterinus." Cassius seems to have had in mind Heb. xii. 8, "Then are ye bastards, and not sons".

117 Conc. Carth. sec. 22.

118 Jer. ii. 21.

119 Vicus Caesaris, probably of ecclesiastical province of Byzacium. This Bp. Januarius may be the second of that name in Cypr. Ep. lxvii., and is to be distinquished from Bp. Januarius of Lambaese, ch. xiii. 20.

120 Conc. Carth. sec. 23.

121 Carpis (Carpos) was in ecclesiastical province of Zeugitana. See for Secundinus, note on chap. 18.

122 Fiant. Another reading in some Mss. of Cyprian (not found in those of Augustin) is, "quomodo Christianos faciunt," which is less in harmony with the context.

123 Matt. xii. 30.

124 Conc. Carth. sec. 24.

125 Ps. cxliv. 11-15, so LXX. cp. Hieron. Ps. cxliii. 11-15.

126 Cypr. Presbyteris et diaconibus fratribus, Ep. xi. 1.

127 Thabraca was on the coast of Numidia, in ecclesiastical province of that name, the frontier town towards Zeugitana, at the mouth of the Tucca. The name of a Victoricus occurs in Cypr. Epp. lvii., lxvii.

128 Conc. Carth. sec. 25.

129 Uthina was in ecclesiastical province of Zeugitana. This Felix is to be distinguished from the bishop of Bagai, ch. 19: A reference to a bishop of Utina is made by Tert. de Monog. ch. xii., but he cannot have been this Felix, as some assume.

130 Conc, Carth. sec. 26.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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