131 Burug (Buruc) or Burca was in ecclesiastical province of Numidia. Quietus may be identical with the one mentioned in Cypr. Ep. lxvii.

132 In the English version this is, "He that washeth himself after touching a dead body, if he touch it again, what availeth his washing?"-Ecclus. xxxiv. 25.

133 Conc. Carth. sec. 27.

134 Contra Parmenianum, II. 10. 22.

135 Rom. vi. 23.

136 Rom. viii. 6.

137 1 Tim. v. 6.

138 John i. 33.

139 Matt. vi. 15.

140 Ps. xxxv. 12.

141 Cant. vi. 9.

142 Sicca was in ecclesiastical province of Zeugitana, This is certainly not the Castus of Cypr. de Laps. c. xiii.

143 Conc. Carth. sec. 28.

144 Theni was in ecclesiastical province of Byzacene. A Eucratius occurs in Cypr. Ep. ii.

145 Matt. xxviii. 19.

146 Conc. Carth. sec. 29.

147 Vaga was in ecclesiastical province of Byzacium. The name of a Libosus occurs in Cypr. Ep. lxvii.

148 John xiv. 6.

149 Conc. Carth. sec. 30

150 Thebaste (Thebeste) in ecclesiastical province of Numidia, For Lucius, cp. c. 14.

151 Conc. Carth. sec. 31.

152 Ammedera, probably in ecclesiastical province of Proconsularis Africa.

153 Conc. Carth. sec. 32.

154 Phil. iii. 15.

155 Ammacura (Bamacorra) in ecclesiastical province of Numidia.

156 Cant. iv. 12.

157 Conc. Carth. sec. 33.

158 Ch. 21, 37.

159 2 Cor. ii. 15.

160 Muzuli is perhaps the same as Muzuca in ecclesiastical province of Byzacium.

161 Conc. Carth. sec. 34.

162 Thasbalte (Thasvalthe) was in ecclesiastical province of Byzacene. An Adelphius is mentioned in Cypr. Ep. lxvii.

163 Conc. Carth. sec. 35.

164 Leptis the Lesser was in ecclesiastical province of Byzacene, the Greater being in that of Tripolis. A Demetrius occurs in Cypr. Epp. lvii., lxx.

165 Conc. Carth. sec. 36.

166 Gal. v. 21.

167 Thibari, perhaps the same as Tabora, in ecclesiastical province of Mauritania Caesariensis. A Bp. Vincentius is mentioned in Cypr. Ep. lxvii.

168 Mark xvi. 15-18.

169 Matt. xxviii. 19.

170 Conc. Carth. sec. 37.

171 Matt. xviii. 17.

172 Matt. xi. 24.

173 Ezek. xvi. 51.

174 Luke xvii. 14.

175 Luke i. 11, 13.

176 Acts xvii. 28.

177 Cypr. de Idol. Vanitate, c. vi..

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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