45 Conc. Carth. sec. 51.

46 Ps. l. 16, 18.

47 Matt. vii. 23.

48 Tucca was in ecclesiastical province of Numidia. For Saturninus see, c. 15-28, n. 2.

49 He is alluding to Stephen, bishop of Rome, of whom Cyprian says in his Ep. lxxiv. 7 (to Pompeius): "Why has the perverse obstinacy of our brother Stephen burst out to such a point, that he should even contend that sons of God are born of the baptism of Marcion, also of Valentinus and Apelles, and others who blaspheme against God the Father?"

50 Conc. Carth. sec. 52.

51 Zama was in ecclesiastical province of Numidia. For Marcellus, see Cypr. Ep. lxvii.

52 Conc. Carth. sec. 53.

53 Ululi (Ullita, Vallita) in ecclesiastical province of Numidia.

54 Conc. Carth. sec. 54.

55 [Cibaliana (Cybaliana), most probably in ecclesiastical province of Africa Proconsularis.] Donatus, as contemporary bishop, occurs in Cypr. Epp. lvii. bis. lxx. bis.

56 Conc. Carth. sec. 55.

57 Tharassa was in ecclesiastical province of Numidia.

58 Gal ii. 11; Conc. Carth. sec. 56.

59 Telepte (Thelepte) or Thala, was in ecclesiastical province of Byzacium.

60 John iii. 27.

61 Conc. Carth. sec. 57.

62 Timida Regia was in ecclesiastical province of Zeugitana. A Faustus is mentioned in Cypr. Ep. lxvii.

63 Conc. Carth. sec. 58.

64 Furni was in ecclesiastical province of Zeugitana. For Geminius as bishop, see Cypr. Ep. lxvii.

65 Conc. Carth. sec. 59.

66 Phil. iii. 15.

67 Nova was in ecclesiastical province of Mauritania Caesariensis. For Rogatianus as bishop, see Cypr. Epp. lvii., lxvii., lxx., bis.

68 Conc. Carth. sec. 60.

69 Bulla (Vulla) was in ecclesiastical province of Africa Proconsularis. For Therapius cp. Cypr. Ep. lxiv. 1.

70 Conc. Carth. sec. 61.

71 Cypr. Ep. lxxiii. 23.

72 Membresa was in ecclesiastical province of Zeugitana. For Lucius, See, Bk. VI. c. 38.

73 John ix. 31.

74 Conc. Carth. sec. 62.

75 Buslaceni (Cussaceni) is probably Byzacium, the capital of province of Byzacium, since we know that it was also called Bizica Lucana; others place it in Africa Proconsularis. For Felix, cp. Bk. VI. cc. 19 and 23.

76 Conc. Carth. sec. 63.

77 Abitini (Avitini) was in ecclesiastical province of Africa Proconsularis. For Saturninus, cp. cc. 15, 16.

78 Conc. Carth. sec. 64.

79 Aggya, probably the same as Aggiva and the Aga in ecclesiastical province of Proconsular Africa. The name Quintas as bishop occurs in Cypr. Epp lvii., lxvii., lxx., lxxi., but this one is of Mauritania, as appears from Epp lxxii. 1, lxxiii. 1.

80 Conc. Carth. sec. 65.

81 Marcelliana (Gyrnmarcelli) in ecclesiastical province of Numidia.

82 Matt. vi. 24.

83 Conc. Carth. sec. 66.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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