42 Some editors have "unitate," but Amerbach and the Mss. "veritate;" and this is supported by c. 24, 28 below: "De ecclesiae vel baptismi veritate;" and c. 13, 22 of the treatise de Unico Baptismo: "Ambulantibus in ecclesiae veritate."
43 Ubi vobis faventibus loquatur, et victus verum simulans statum, talia vel etiam sceleratiori dictat in me. Mihi sat est as rem, etc. Morel (Elem. Crit. pp. 326-328) suggests as an improvement. "Ubi vobis faventibus loquatur et victus. Verum si millies tantum talia vel etiam sceleratiora dicat in me, mihi sat est", etc.,- "on which he may speak amidst applause from you, even when beaten. But if he were to make a thousand times as many statements concerning me," etc.
49 See above, Book I. c. 1, 2.
52 "Favente," which is wanting in the Mss., was inserted in the margin by Erasmus, as being needed to complete the sense.
53 Megalius, bishop of Calama, primate of Numidia, was the bishop who ordained Augustin, as we find in c. viii. of his life by Possidius. Augustin makes further reply to the same calumny, which was gathered from a letter of Megalius, in Contra Cresconium, Book III. c. 80, 92, and Book IV. c. 64, 78, 79.
54 Lente, ut dicitur, et bene. Morel (Element. Crit. pp. 140, 141) suggests as an amendment, "lene," as suiting better with "lente."
55 See Book I. c. 1, 2, c. 2, 3.
56 Lactantius, Divin. Instit. Book V. c. xv., tells us of the talents of Carneades, recording that when he was sent on an embassy to Rome by the Athenians, he spoke there first in defense of justice, and then on the following day in opposition to it; and that he was in the habit of speaking with such force on either side, as to be able to refute any arguments advanced by anybody else.
57 Ter. Heaut. act. IV. scen. iii. vers. 41.
58 Ter. Heaut. act. IV. scen. iii. vers. 41.
59 In de Civ. Dei, Book II. c. xxi., Augustin mentions L. Fius Philus, one of the interlocutors in Cicero's Laelius, as maintaining this same view. From the similarity of the name, it has been thought that here Furius and Pilus are only one man.
60 The Mss. here and below have Protagoras. Both were atheists, according to Cicero, Nat. Deor. l. i. 2, and Lactantius Divin. Instit. I. c. ii.; de Ira Dei, c. ix.
66 Ps. lxii. 1, 2; cp. Hieron.
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