44 In hoc cognoscimus eum; si: but all the Greek copies, e0n tou/tw genw/skomen o@ti e0gnw/kamen au0to/n, e0a/n. Vulg. In hoc scimus quoniam cognovimus eum, si.
48 1 John ii. 5, Si in ipso perfecti fuerimus. Augustin and two or three Latin Mss.: an addition unknown to the Greek and to the other copies of the Latin.
59 Si autem oditis. So ed. Erasm. and four Mss. cited in ed. Louvain, which however has in the text oderitis. One Ms. cited ibid. has, Si autem odistis. Edd. Lugd. and Ven. have si autem auditis, "if ye are called brethren." Four Oxf. Mss. oditis.
64 So in Epist. 173, sec. 30, Augustin writes, Attendis enim et saepe repetis, sicut audio, quod in Evangelio scriptum est recessisse a Domino septuaginta discipules....caeterisque duodecim qui remanserant fuisse responsum, Numquid et vos vultis abire? The notion entertained by some of the Ancients and, as it seems, by St. Augustin, that the disciples who took offense at our Lord's discourse in the synagogue of Capernaum were the Seventy, may have been derived from the Hypotyposes of St. Clem. Alex. (comp. Euseb. H. E. i. 12) or one of the Clementines. (Thus S. Epiphanius Haer. 51, p. 186, 188, relates from some such authority, that the Evangelists Mark and Luke were of the number of the Seventy, and of those who were offended; and that they were reclaimed to the faith, the one by St. Peter, the other by St. Paul.) But the notion, from whatever quarter it came, seems to have no foundation in Scripture, since it is sufficiently evident that the mission of the Seventy, Luke x. 1, was subsequent to the first miracle of feeding, John vi.; Luke ix. 12.
73 Supra, Hom. in Ev. iv. 4; Dan. ii. 34, 35.
74 Luna tertia; i.e. the moon at its first appearance: for the first phasis in Africa as in Egypt usually took place on the third day after conjunction. See the passages cited from Geminus in the Uranolog. vii. 39, B. Horapoll, Hieroglyph. i. 66, in Mr. Greswell's Dissertations on the Harmony of the Gospels, vol. i. p. 323, note.
6 Tertull. de Jejun., sec. 14; de Orat. sec. 14.
8 S. Aug. Ep. c. Donat. de Unit. Eccl. sec. 26.
9 Supra, Hom. in Ev. xi. sec. 13.
10 [The words. "Jerusalem, the city," the preacher appears, in this passage, to use interchangeably and sometimes confusedly for the Church-e.g., "all Christ's murderers are expelled from that city," meaning that such are not in the Church.-J. H. M.]
12 Enarr. in Ps. lxii. sec. 18; lxiv. sec. 1.
13 The Acts of the Apostles were read in the seven weeks from Easter to Pentecost. Supra, Hom. in Ev. vi. sec. 18.
30 Vulg. scribo throughout, but some copies scripsi, representing the true reading in the Greek, e/graya=, in the last clause of v. 13, and in both clauses of v. 14.
33 The Benedictine editors remark that the Vulgate does not repeat this clause, Scribo vobis, patres-a principio est, and that it is absent from the Greek. This remark applies to the Complutensian Greek text, and the edited Latin Vulgate. Of extant Gr. Mss., only Mill's Cod. Basil, 3 (Wetstein, 4), of the 15th century, omits the clause: and this, as Wetstein reports, not in v. 14, but in the preceding verse, xra/fw u9mi=n, pate/rej-a/rxh=j.
38 Sed quomodo poterimus amare Deum, si amanus mundum? Parat nos ergo inhabitari charitate, and so Bodl. 813. The ed. of Erasmus has,-separat nos a charitate Dei: "-if we love the world? It separates us from the charity of God." And so 3 Oxf. Mss. Ed. Lugdun., si amamus mundum? Si amamus mundum, separat nos a charitate Dei. Parat nos ergo inhabitare charitatem: "-if we love the world? If we love the world, it separates, &c. He prepares us therefore to inhabit charity."-Ed. Par.
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