38 [gee/nnh|.]

39 Mark x. 30; Luke xviii. 30.

40 [fau=loi, "worthless."-R]

41 filosofi/a.

42 Matt. iii. 10.

43 pristhroeidh\j, see Is. xl. 15.

44 [The better supported text seems to be au0to/j, without o9 xristo/j; the latter is an explanatory gloss.-R.]

45 "The Mystery:" i.e., Christ's Baptism by Fire, His dwelling in our hearts by His Spirit. Comp. Col. i. 26, 27; Eph. i. 9, 10; iii. 9.

46 Heb. vi. 1, 2.

47 [ "The loosing of death, the abolition of sins," etc. "the entrance into Paradise," etc. The construction is the same throughout the list.-R]

48 1 Cor. ii.9.

49 [See note 3 on sec. 6, p. 71.-R.]

50 Is. xxix. 13; comp. Mark vii. 6.

51 [The first clause stands independently in the Greek text, forming the conclusion of the preceding paragraph. The new exhortation begins "But I beseech again," etc.-R.]

1 Matt. iii. 14.

2 John xiii. 7, 8.

3 Matt. iii. 15. [R V., "Suffer it (or me) now, for thus it becometh," etc.-R.

4 Matt. iii. 15, 16. [R V., "from the water," and "coming" for "lighting."-R]

5 Is. v. 4. [Chrysostom varies from the LXX., introducing me e!dei, to strengthen his argunent .-R]

6 Matt. iii. 16.

7 Acts ii. 2.

8 1 Cor. xiv. 22.

9 Gal. vi. 1. [The immediate reference in Gal. vi. 1 is not to the Holy Spirit, yet there ia a suggestion of the influence of the Holy Sptrit.-R.]

10 Gen. viii.

11 2 Cor. ix. 15.

12 i.e., the Macedonians, who were censured at Constantinople, A. D. 381.

13 "The contraries:" for whereas the Spirit came to exalt, and make us partakers of the Divine Nature, the heretics would degrade Him to something like our own

14 [paradido/nai; "hand down" would express the sense more clearly.-R]

15 [The sentence in the Greek is not negative but afirmative; "Then assuredly" ' both these events occurred.-R.]

16 Gen. iii. 19.

17 Gen. iv. 12. [The Lxx. has gh= in both passages. The verbal suggestion of the original may be retained by rendering: "Earth thou art, and unto earth thou shalt return," and thou "tillest the earth".-.]

18 [Literally, "that we shall hear."-R]

19 Matt. xxv. 30. 1.

20 [du/namij]

21 [du/namij.] "Greeks." But the ecclesiastical use is correctly given in the translation. In the New Testament, the term was equivalent to "Gentiles," as opposed to Jews; but was afterwards applied to heathen as opposed to Christians. See Sophocles Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Bysantine periods, Sub Voce.-R]3.

22 [e0pisfi/ggwmen, The verb means "to bind tight," and is variously applied.-R.]

1 Matt. xxvi. 41.

2 kata\ to\n lo/gon th=j oi0konomi/aj.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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