77 [This clause is not found in the Greek text of Field, nor noticed in the critical notes. The Latin version has jacula viorare, and was probably inadvertently followed by the translator.-R.]
79 2 Cor. iv. 17, xii. 10; Rom. v. 3; Gal. vi. 17; Col. i. 24.
1 [The phrase "to them of old time" (toi=j a0pxai/oij) is not found in the oldest Mss. of the New Testament, in Matt. v.27. It would be readily inserted from similar passages.-R.]
2 Deut. vi. 4. [Comp. Mark xii. 29, and the renderings of the R. V. text and margin in both pansges.-R.]
7 ta\j sunnoi/kouj parqe0nouj, they were often called suneisaktoi/. The practice of unmarried men, especially of the clergy, having single young women in their houses, is a frequent object of warning and censure both in the Homilies of the Fathers and in Church Canons. The earliest mention of such a thing, and of the sad abuse consequent on it, appears to be in St. Iren'us, i. 6, 3: who lays it to the charge of the Valentinian heretics. Tertullian (de Jejun. ad fin.) imputes it to the Catholics. St. Cyprian's fourth Epistle (ed. Fell.) was written to repress and punish an instance of it in the Church of Carthage. It was one of the charges against Paul of Samosata, and was forbidden by the third canon of Nic'a. See Dr. Routh's Reliqui' Sacr', 2,506, to which the editor is indebted for this note. The custom seems to have prevailed particularly at Antioch, ib. 482. See also an oration of Chrysostom on this subject, vi. 214.
9 [ouke/ti i0sxuontej, "no longer having strength."-R.]
11 1 Tim. ii. 9; Titus ii. 3, 4, 5.
12 [The words in italics area translation of the Latin version; nothing corresponding to these terms occurs in the Greek text of the Homily.-R.]
13 Or, watonnesss. See 1 Tim. v.6.
14 [The text has simply to\n skandali/zonta. The precept is thus made more general.-R.]
15 Matt. v. 29. [R. V., "If thy right eye causeth thee to stumble," and so, everywhere in rendering skandali/zein.-R.]
19 bi/blion j0postasi/ou, St. Chrys. Comp. Mark x.. 4.: rec.. Text. [There is no variation in thc text of Matthew here, but in verse 32 the best authorities read <\i>\pa=j o9 a0polu/wn<\|i>\, "everyone that putteth away" so R. V.). Chrysostom repeats o$ a!n a0polu/sh|, as in text. rec.-R.]
24 Matt. xix. 8. [R. V. "for your hardness of heart."-R.]
26 [a0sqene/steron ga\r h9 gunh/. The translator paraphrases this as above. giving an unnecessary tone of depreciation to the language.-R.]
28 See Num. xxx. 2; Deut. xxiii. 23.
29 Isa. lxxvi. 1; Ps. xlviii. 2.
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