32 Matt. v. 37. St. Chrysostom deviates from the received text here: as if he were thinking also of James v.12. [The variation is in the first half of the verse, but the resemblance to James v.12 is not marked. In the latter half the citation is exact, and Chrysostom explains e0k tou= ponhrou= as the R. V. does: "of the evil one."-R.]
33 Jer. iv. 2. LXX kai\ o0mo/sh| Zh=| Ku/rioj, meta\ a0lhqei/aj e0n, kri/sei, kai\ e0n dikaiosu/nh|.
39 He clearly alludes to the history of Demosthenes.
40 Jer. ii. 10, 11. [The citation is much abbreviated from the LXX., which does not vary materially from the Hebrew.-R.]
41 Prov. vi. 6-8, LXX. "Or go to the bee, and learn how industrious she is, and how honorable she maketh her work; whose labors kings and private men make use of for health and she is desirable to all and glorious, although she be weak in strength for holding wisdom precious she is preferred." [This is the addition to Prov. vi. 8, found in the LXX., but not in the Vulgate.-R.]
42 See St. Chrys. On 1 Cor. Hom,. IV. and the note there.
43 Heb. v.12 [The text of Heb. v.12 is modified, dida/skesqai being substituted for dida/skein. The Vulgate also has the passive. The R. V. takes tina as the indefinite pronoun: "that someone teach you ;" but compare the margin. Notice, too, the acceptance of the Pauline authorship of the Epistle.-R.]
1 [R. V. text, "him that is evil." Chrysostom interprets tw'/ ponhrw'/, "the evil one." In verse 40 the R. V. renders "would go to law with thee."-R.]
11 [paqhtw=|. There is a paranomasia in the original, indicated here by the word "possible".-R.]
12 a0ggareu=sai. [R. V. marg., "impress," a legal act of oppresslon. The Greek work is of Persian origin. and was transferred into Latin also; see Vulgate, Matt. v. 41.-R.]
14 Luke vi 35. "Do good and lend, hoping for nothing again." [But the R.V. renders"never despairing," with the margin, "Some ancient authorities read despairing of no man."-R.]
15 o!moioi, Chrys. u0oi\, rec. text. [For the former reading in the New Testament there is no Ms. authority.-R.]
16 Matt. v. 43-45. [The briefer form of verse 44 is now accepted by critical editors (so Vulgate). The longer reading is from Luke vi. 27, 28. Comp R. V.-R.]
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