16 [The independence of the Gospels is thus emphasized by the most competent exegete of the Nicene period. His treatment of the apparent discrepancies is suggestive.-R.]

17 [That is, "in nothing", in no respect.-R.]

18 sugkrotou=sin. [Literafly, "weld together," used of organizing a body of soldiers.-R.]

19 proser9r9i=fai a9plw=j.

20 ["accurate."-R.]

21 Luke i. 4.

22 Asfa/leia, "certainty," seems to be used here first objectively, as when we say. "a thing is certain," then subjectively, as "I am certain of it."

23 [The translator, with the Latin, follows the reading de/; most Mss.have ga/r, which is the more difficult reading.-R.]

24 So St. Iren'os, iii. 11, 1. "John, the disciple of the Lord, purposing by the publication of a Gospel to take away the error which Cerinthus had sown among men. and long before him those who are called Nicolaitans

thus began the instruction of his Gospel In the beginning, &c." See also St. Clem. of Alex. in Euseb. E. H. vi 14 St. Jerome, Pref. to Com. on St. Matth.

25 oi0konomi/a, i. e., our Lord's assumption of the Manhood. The word is so used continually by the Fathers.

26 [This paraphrase fairly brings out the sense, but is a very free rendering of the text.-R..]

27 [kai\ dia\ tou=to.]

28 Euseb. E. H. iii. 24; St. Jer. De Vir. Ill. 3; Orig. in Matth. t.. iii. 440 St. Iren iii. I But St. Chrysostom seems to he quoting the words of some other writer besides these.

29 Or in Rome before the death of St. Peter, who approved the Gospel. So St Clem Alex. in Euseb. E. H. ii. 15 ; St. Jer. de vir. Illustr. c. 8. St. Iren. iii. 1,seems rather to agree with St. Chrysostom . Perhaps they may be reconciled by supposing St. Mark's Gospel written at Rome and approved by St. Peter, but not published until after his death, when St. Mark was its Egypt. See Massuet's note on the place in St. Iren'us,. and Euseb. ii. 16.

30 The Arians, e.g and kindred sects, received all the Scriptures; the Macrionites, besides rejecting the Old Testament received only the Gospel of St. Luke, and ten of St. Paul's epistels: out of which Tertulian refutes them at large. The Manich'ans rejected the Old Tesament and The Acts of the Apostles in which latter the Montanists agreed with them. This was besides numerous interpolations which they all alleged in the books which they did recieve. See St. Aug. Ep. 237.

31 [ma/xh, the techincal term for "contradiction" when applied to statements. So Sophocles' Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzatine periods; sub voce.-R.]

32 ko/mmata, Gr.

33 ko/mmata, Gr.

34 Matt. xii. 25; Mark iii. 24; Luke xi. 17.

35 [Literally, "philosophize such things." Chrysostom, in commom with other and earlier Fathers uses the terms filosofi/a and qhilosofei=n, in a wide sense. As the translator varies his rendering of these words to suit the context, it seems proper to indicate when Chrysostom uses them.-R]

36 [politei/an, as in the latter part of the sentence. This term also is variously rendered by the translator, to suit the context. But in this Homily there is always a reference to Plato's Republic, when the word politeiva is used. Hence attention is called to the instances where it occurs.-R.]

37 [filosofei=n. Literally "to philosophize what no one of them was at any time able even to", etc. The negatives are repeated its the original for geeater emphasis.-R.]

38 [politei/aj.]

39 [e0di/dacen.]

40 Matt. xxii. 40.

41 Matt. vii. 12.

42 [filosofi/an=true wisdom.-R.]

43 [poletei/a, in its proper case.]

44 [politei/a, its its proper case.]

45 [politei/a, its its proper case.]

46 [politei/a, its its proper case.]

47 [politei/a, its its proper case.]

48 [filosofi/aj.]

49 [politei/a, its its proper case.]

50 [politei/a, its its proper case.]

51 Acts viii. 28.

52 [Kai\ ga/r.]

53 [Kai\ ga/r kai\ tou=to.]

54 [See Homily iv., where this question is discussed.-R.]

55 [Literally, "and learn."-R.]

56 e0ra=te.

57 Matt. vii. 6. [The citation is not, however, verbally acurate.-R.]

58 [politei/a]

59 [spouda/zwmen; the verb is rendered "endeavor" in the preceeding sentence.-R.]

60 [Kai\ ga/r.]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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