64 Zech. ix. 9. 10.

1 Or Homily XXI in the Latin versions; see note on Homily XIX., sec. 6, p. 134.-R.]page 1411.

2 2 Sam. xii. 20. 2.

3 Dan. x. 3. 3.

4 Literally, "actors."4.

5 Heb. iv. 13. [R. V., "laid open," tetrachlismevna.-R.]5.

6 Matt. vi. 19. "upon the earth," so R. V.-R.]page 1421.

7 a0kthmostnh=j. 2.

8 Matt. iv. 9, 10.3.

9 [sh/j. The Oxford Version has inadvertently rendered it "rust."-R.]4.

10 [sh/j. The Oxford Version has inadvertently rendered it "rust."-R.]4.

11 Matt. vi. 21. [The correct text of Matt. vi. 21 is rendered, "For where thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also" (R V ), but Chrysostom varies from this both here and below. The plural form has little authority.-R.]page 1431.

12 Matt. vi. 22. [R. V., "The lamp of the body," etc.-R.]2.

13 Matt. vi. 22, 23. [In verse 23, "If therefore" is the correct reading, and some Mss. of the Homilies have this reading here.-R.]3.

14 [In the Greek text, the parenthesis extends to this place.-R.]page 1441

15 .[These clauses are not parenthetical, but in the Greek define what precedes.-R.]2.

16 Matt. xiii. 22. 3.

17 [ou0x w9j e!tuxe.]page 1451.

18 xumo/j.2.

19 e0phrei/aj.3.

20 [In the Greek text, bracketted by Field, and in the Latin, occurs this clause "when" [or "for when" ] "thou plantest trees in the field, the fruit of which will yield after many (muri/a) years."-R.] 4.

21 a0lu/ein.page 1461.

22 Luke xvi. 24.2.

23 Ezek. xiv. 14.1.

1 ["More in number and more terrible."-R.]

2 [a0kribhÖ\.]

3 Acts iv. 32.

4 Job xxxi. 25.

5 [Mh\ toinun peritta\ filoso/fei.]

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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