23 j!nesin, opposed to ko/lasin, "punishment," in the same way, Hom. XIlI. 8, in the Benedictine edition, p. 176, c.; and eksewhere.
27 This was part of the festivities of the Saturnalia ; "it began on the 13th of January, when the flute players used to run about the city with much license and wantonness in female apparel ; as at this time, about the Epiphany season. pipers and singers are wont to come into the houses of the rich, to sing for largesses, with some in masks at their head. Vid. Liv. lib. ix. c. 30." Francise. Modius de Ludis et Spect. Veterum, ii. 28, ap. Gronov. Thes. xi.1005.
28 Here Mr. Field quotes from Bois as follows "It is a description of certain jugglers, who used to carry about swallows trained to come and go when let loose, and settle on their heads, and take meat out of their mouths. So I conjecture." Mr. Field adds "I have nothing to add to this. For those whom Athanatus" (from Theognis) "mentions , gathering a dole for the swallow (p.360, B.) seem not to answer to what is here meant. They, by way of begging, used to chant a sort of song about the coming of the swallow. It was the custom of the Rhodians particularly."
29 Scaliger, Poet i. 10, says, "Some actors in low comedy were not masked, but smeared with soot;
and used to dance to music in honor of Bacchus, and bounding forward, to jeer at every one." ap. Hofiman, voc. Mimus.
32 [u9pe\r me/tron diapphgnu/eij.]
42 [The construction is difficult: i#na sxolaio/teron basdi/sh|. We must accept here a causal sense of i#na.-R.]
1 [R. V., "Of the Christ," as in nearly all authorities, but Chrysostom reads tou= Ihsou=.-R.]
2 [R. V. "by his disciples", but some ancient authorities (Vulgate also) support "two."
11 John i. 29. [R. V. "Or, beareth the sin". etc.]
12 [ou0k a!n e9autw=| di/cab oerue/qg0e.]
14 John iii. 25. [R. V., "with a Jew." So one Ms. here. In Homily XXIX. on John, Chrysostom distinctly accepts the singular, as do nearly all Greek Mss.-R.]
19 Matt. xi. 6. [R. V., "shall find none occasion of stumbling in me."]
20 John viii. 13. [R. V., "witness."]
21 See Origen, 2 Hom. in Reg. t. ii. p.495,6 St. Ambr. in Luc. vii. 19 St. Jerome in loc. [The Greek term used is "Hades," not "Gehenna".-R.]
23 Col. ii. 14. [Comp. R. V., in loco.]
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