24 a0nabaklle/sqw eifj shmei=a.

25 Acts. viii. 10.

26 1 Cor. xii. 31.

27 Matt. xix. 27.

28 Matt. v. 29; compare Mark x. 30, Luke viii. 30.

1 [R. V., "nothing," following a reading accepted by Chrysostom, both here and in the comments. The received text has "not."-R. ]

2 [R. V., "things hidden."]

3 Comp. Ps. lxxviii. 2.

4 Matt. iv. 33.

5 Ezek. xii. 9, xxiv. 19, xxxvii. 18.

6 [R. V., "he left the multitudes." Compare the previous sentence. But Chrysostom, with the rec. text. inserts "Jesus."-R.]

7 Matt. xiii. 36, the house (rec. text).

8 e0pilabe/sqai.

9 [Matt. xiii. 36, freely cited.]

10 Mark ix.. 32.

11 This passage is translated according to a conjectural emendation of Mr. Field. [The Greek text seems to be corrupt here. The Mss. readings yield no intelligible sense that can be considered coerect.-R.]

12 Or, "produce lawlessness," tou\j poiou=ntaj th\n a0nomi/an ,in which sense it seems more directly applicable to heretics, who may not he vicious in their own lives, but produce a contempt of God's law by their false doctrines. Transl.

13 Matt. xiii. 37-43. [The long citation presents few textual variations of any kind, none that affect the sense.-R.]

14 John iv. 35.

15 Matt. ix. 37; Luke x. 2.

16 John iv. 37.

17 u9pakousa/twn.

18 Thess. iv. 17.

19 Matt. xiii. 51.[R. V., omits" Lord," so the oldest Mss. and the Vulgate.-R.]

20 Matt. xiii. 44-46. [Here also the Greek text presents few peculiarities; tw=| is omitted before a0grw=| in verse 44, as in a few Mss. of the New Testament.-R.]

21 Matt. xiii. 47, 48. [R. V., "which, when it was filled, they drew upon the beach," etc.]

22 Matt. xxv. 32.

23 paxu/teron.

24 Matt. xiii. 50.

25 a0perxo/menoi, rec. text, ei0serxo/menoi.

26 Matt. vii. 13.

27 Matt. xiii. 51. [See note 7, p. 293.-R.]

28 [R. V., "hath been made a disciple to the Kingdom of Heaven." Chrysostom reads e0n, the received text has ei0j with the accusative.-R]

29 Matt. xiii. 52.

30 Matt. xxiii. 34.

31 i. e., in particular the Manich'ans, and other sects which deny the divinity of the Old Testament.

32 Matt v. 3. Luke vi. 20.

33 Is. lxvi. 2.

34 Ps. ci. 6, comp. Ps. lxxvi. 9.

35 Ps. xxxiv. 18.

36 bw=moj, qusiasth/rion. These two words are commonly used, the former in a bad, the other in a good sense, of Heathen, and Christian, or Jewish, altars respectively. This seems to be an invariable rule, as to the word bw=moj in the Greek Bible except that it is used of the Jewish altar in the following places of the Apocrypha Ecclus. 1.12, 14 2 Macc. ii. 19 xiii. 8, which may suffice to show that it was occasionally employed, as by St. Chrysostom here with no unholy association.

37 Ps li. 17.

38 Ecclus. xxxii. 10.

39 Matt. v. 8.

40 [a0ga/ph|]

41 [a0ga/phn.]

42 Luke xxii. 30.

43 Acts. v.41.

This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library
at Calvin College. Last updated on May 27, 1999.
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